
wow you really don't understand whats going on here. It's the frequent use of strip clubs in video games. An excuse so they can have scantily clad women in the game.

and how is she doing that by showing examples of what she is talking about? Her thesis isn't are all video games sexist

.... you really don't know what cherry picking is....

Thunderfoot is a gamergate guy that makes youtube videos doing exactly what he accuses Anita of doing.

facepalm you can't be this stupid can you? That isn't cherry picking.

no that isn't cherry picking. She is doing a humanties project not a scienfitic study. Her thesis also isn't do all video games contain sexism, its do video games contain sexism.

yeah because I never bought a PS1 and i remember owning a Dead or Alive that had it.

how do you figure?

i think the first one had it to

yeah its a incredibly funny premise but wow some how they manage to suck all the humor out of it.

i don't know people have killed for far less. Potentially losing millions is reason enough to believe the death threat is real.

waiting for you to show me where it says the Star Wars licsense costs more depending on the story!

ok show me your source for that. Show me a source of any IP costing more dependening on the story.

Now playing

rofl what?? Now who's talking out of their ass. The license doesn't cost more depending on if its EU or not. Disney was trying to sell the game and no one wanted it.

you did actually "whoever attempted to buy would have had to pay a king's random for the right to use Star Wars brand."

that's the point. The Star Wars license isn't as expensive as you think. As seen by all the mobile games and other games put out. But NOT A SINGLE COMPANY WANTED 1313

pretty much When EA got the license Dice was begging them to let them make a Battlefront game.

no that was shapping up pretty good but when EA got the licesene they decided to start over from the ground up

People are more then willing to do that. Look how many Star Wars games there have been.

Look at it this way EA now holds the SW licesnes and even they don't want to contuine working on 1313 a game that is about 1/2 finished. When EA looks at a half finsihed game and says "Nah i don't think that willl be

The game was on hold for months before the Disney deal became official. After that Disney looked at Lucas Arts and saw how unprofitable it was and decided to close it down.