not as wealthy as he should have been, he got screwed out of a lot of the money and forced out
to me its the modern day equivelent of the Capcom D&D beat em ups Chronicles of Mystaria. Its fun but D&D in name only.
again ITS NOT A BLACK HOLE! and disney has come out and said that the only canon is what they have already said.
actually DIsney canon is The 6 movies, Clone Wars series, Rebels series and the 3 books. The differnece here is there are not contradictions and they are all the same level of canon. This was never true in Lucas Canon. Btw i've read every EU book out there even Troy Dennings shitty books
the holes dont' need to be filled. Filling in the holes doesn't change anything about the movies.
is the topic not that the EU fills in the plot holes?
sigh.... i knew you couldn't do it. You are saying there are plot holes such as not knowing how Han met Chewie or why Jango Fett was chosen.
doesn't matter people see Orcs and they either think Lord of the Rings or Warcraft. People not familer with Warhammer with think this is just a cheap rip off.
yeah but its not supposed to grab your attention. You know the armies you know the lore you will probably buy it. This is to get the people who know nothing about Warhammer to be intrested in the game.
Dark Omen was freakign amazing! The Namco ones were pretty good, great graphics but no where near as good as Dark Omen. The First one Shadow of the Horned rat was so damn hard
ehhh it sets it apart from other Fantasy games. Orcs makes people think of Warcraft and Humans while I love them they aren't as eye catching as Chaos
yeah... those great books like Dark Nest where there are bug orgies with the Jedi... so mature...
anyone who considers themselves a fan would be a fan. You don't have to dress up in cosplay to be a fan.
They should show that kid on twitch while he is prison. Bet he won't think thats funny
it has nothing to do with being old none of it is funny these kids need to get the shit kicked out of them for doing this.
based off of esitmate of total star wars fans and then the number of star wars books that are sold. Star Wars books average about 100k sales for each title. Given that there are Hundreds of millions of people who enjoy star wars..... well you can do the math
not all really as that is what it is nothing more then fan fiction.
THEN SHOW ME THE POINT! By your OWN WORDS you said not knowing how Han and Chewie met is a PLOT HOLE
..... by that rational I could tell you Han Solo and Chewie had anal sex all the time and according to you it would be just as much canon as anything else.