
^^^This the Matt Fraciton Hawkeye series is one of the best comics in the past 10 years.

this was all LONG before they kicked out the old canon, the game was bad and no one wanted it

I'll look for it, I first read it on Kotaku

1313 was HORRIBLE. Disney tried to sell it when they closed down lucas arts and not a single studio wanted it. Not even EA is touching it. that should tell you how bad it was.

good job avoiding my question.

no it's rational thinking that the party that identifies itself as liberal is liberal. You just have an ahem "interesting" view of liberialism.

wait hold on do you think i'm a conservative?

that's not proof at all. By that rational 90% of Democrats in Washington wouldn't be considered liberal. Obama would not be considered liberal.

see this is the problem right here. You are projecting your own ideas and beliefs. AA doesn't think women are oppressed and he identifies himself as a liberal.

.... you're serouois aren't you... If you belong or identify with a political party it doens't mean you have to agree with every single viewpoint of that party.

ROFL WHAT??? where did you get that definition?

wow.... that's what you think conservatism is? Someone just took their first college politicos course.

no they're not because there is nothing conservative about them. Gamergate is about women making games and such. That has nothing to do with conservativism.

Now playing

no you can't the two are not at all related. Let's put it this way the Amazing Atheist and his crownies are a HUGE supporter of Gamergate

no that's beyond silly this isn't about liberal or conservative its about men who are despertly clining on to their boys club thinking this is the end of the world. If you look at the people supporting this they are every policital background you can think of.

couldn't he just get the hammer that does mini bash at like 10% for range? with a fast attack speed that would almost be as good as his old one

Bioware never wanted to make Kotor 2. It was Obsidan who did that and Obsidian tried to make Kotor3 but Lucasarts kept saying no. Lucasarts had the rights and they were the final say not Bioware or EA

probably since it was Obsidian who was trying to make it but Lucas Arts kept saying no and they had the final say in it not Bioware or EA

the difference here is Blizzard is saying no to Wc3. Lucas arts is the one that kept obsiden from making Kotor3. Bioware and EA never had a say in the matter.