
it was actually Lucas Arts that said no to Kotor 3. They had the final say not Bioware or EA

because its completely lore breaking?

yeah i loved the shit out of Farcry 3. I'd go as far to say Farcry 3 is one of the top 5 best all time shooters and all I wanted was more of it.


Battlefront 2 was a FPS

that sucks what if you don't have a PS3 or PSP and it was your SOE information that got hacked

Games that got Delayed

185 people had their trey tables locked and in the upright position

i've tried and tried to get into Infinite crisis but its just not a very good game

every time

Oi Shit head the LA Times making a guess isn't a source! you have the La times as a source twice you stupid fuck

you're talking to the wrong person again.

no i replyed to the right person. You're the fool who doesn't understand what LoL meta game is and you think that LoL has "evolved"

you replied to the wrong person bro.

This might be the stupidest thing i have ever read on the interent. You don't even know what you are saying its so stupid. I think you need to reread what was said and then you might realize how wrong you are.


holy shit could you have picked a band that is even more hipster

really a troll? oh and i see you've decided to just hide this entire conversation. Wow Gawker well done. show your true colors

ahhh i see so you admit you made the errors but YOU didn't fix it other people did it for you.