True, but Christopher Nolan can only make one movie at a time, badum-tssh.
True, but Christopher Nolan can only make one movie at a time, badum-tssh.
If they want it to be true to the games there should also be a 45 minute sequence where he runs around an old ruin looking for some way to advance to the next area before just saying “F—- it” and checking a Gamefaqs walkthrough.
The various gimmicks in this film reminded me of nothing so much as Amélie, and I think it has a lot of the same charm, while telling a much more realistic, grounded, messily human story. I particularly liked the way time jumps were used to suggest all sorts of background events not included in the movie, which pays…
Exactly this. It’s a shallow adaptation. It’s goes for getting the looks right even though the looks don’t work when translated exactly into live action but they changed the story and the world which are actually the things that would translate almost exactly. Bafflingly wrongheaded.
Top. Men.
Far as I’m concerned the 1606 Globe Theatre performance of “Macbeth” is the definitive version and anything else is a superfluous waste of time.
Yeah, same, mostly. My child is a bit younger than yours, so we’ll see where that goes.
I’m with you. I really dug Inherent Vice. Brolin was hysterically funny. I enjoyed the shaggy dog ‘plot’ the adaptation of which seemed perfectly in keeping to the spirit of Pynchon’s source material, and I thought it all looked just beautiful, all wrapped up in L.A. sunshine... I always consider it a sibling film of…
this recent-ish trend of translating old PSX stuff is really my jam. MOON, Mizzurna Falls, LSD, Magic Castle... really good stuff.
The soundtrack is so good. Such a shame only a small audience was able to enjoy it.
Hard Eight has my favorite quote of his whole oeuvre. “You know the first thing they should’ve taught you at hooker school? You get the money up front!”
I actually prefer Hard Eight to Boogie Nights.
Oh that’s right, the Gucci Mane biopic. Silly of me to forget such a quintessentially Ridley Scott project as that.
I really like Blade Runner, but I also think Alien is an even better movie than people think it is, and people seem to think it’s pretty good.
Multiple new movies I want to see this weekend? Movies are back, baby!
Great suggestions. I would definitely add “Fire Emblem”, “Wario Land 4", “Metroid Zero Mission” and - although I haven’t played them (much), just because of their reputation - “Mega Man Zero” 1-4, “Final Fantasy 1 & 2 Advance”,”Mario Tennis", “Medal of Honor Infiltrator” and “Tactics Ogre”.
My god, what a great…