
I call ahead to the restaurant and tell them she’s had a stroke which has changed her personality

Part of me really wanted Momager to actually smack Psycho Santa with the pizza pan.

If I were such a huge asshole that my family had to tell people that I had brain damage to explain my behavior, I’d MAYBE think about dialing it back just a bit.

Nor does Boston Pizza, tbh.

Drug law, specifically pot laws, are insanely stupid, but people who get high and lead cops on a car chase can go fuck themselves a hundred times. Seriously that is how people get hurt. And fuck the author for acting like the problem there is pot. Teenagers are stupid. Pot arrests are stupid. Running from the cops

I will be going to F myself. I don't think people should drive impaired under any substance and she could have killed someone. If you replaced "weed" with "alcohol" people would be up in arms.

I vote governor dildochugger, in the spirit of today's posts.

You are correct, but you know that no one likes that...And I will add that, as a native Texan, I would only wish Texas prisons on murderers and rapists. An overcrowded no air conditioning havin steel and concrete box of torture? Fuck that, I understand why she ran like hell.


It’s Governor Douchebag. Get it straight. And luckily for us, he’ll never be elected president.

(Editor’s Note: If you think she deserved to have her life ruined on account of some weed, do us all a favor and go fuck yourself)

Working at a fast food joint, the manager was a really nice man who did charity work with immigrant children on the side, was endlessly cheerful, and so on. I’m working drive-through. Customer orders his food in heavily accented English, and gets abusively irate when I ask him (politely) to repeat his order. I’m

(Editor’s Note: If you think she deserved to have her life ruined on account of some weed, do us all a favor and go fuck yourself)

The weed isn’t the problem. The driving while high, tho.... thats a problem. We are totally (rightfully) unforgiving to drunk drivers, even if no one gets hurt we all agree thry are assholes for it, why do we excuse driving while high in our effort to be “liberal” about weed?

(Editor’s Note: If you think she deserved to have her life ruined on account of some weed, do us all a favor and go fuck yourself)

Nobody deserves to have their life ruined for using any kind of drug. But using drugs or drink and then driving is the act of a selfish arsehole who deserves to be caught and punished.

I don’t believe anyone should be criminalised just for using drugs. But I’m a bit less sympathetic about driving on drugs. She drove while high, panicking and possibly speeding to get away from the police, which is a risk to everyone else on (or near) the roads...

Yea, I’ve always found the opposite to be true; by being a really chill, nice tipping, regular I’ve gotten comped food, free coupons, etc.

My husband and I got a complete meal for free once at...Applebees or Chilies, I forget which. We’d gotten a gift card for Xmas, so we went out a few days later. They were slammed, and our waiter forgot about us and clocked out. We waited for about 20 minutes. We were afraid to leave because we already had drinks, and