
I dont think linday had any idea the response was going to be anything like. I kind of expected a witch-hunt for the guy who was being "rude". Pleasantly surprised that it wasnt.

I was going to write this, but now I don't need to.

Your thoughts are what pretty much any logical person should come to after reading this.

I don't really have an interest in getting into a "merits of people being jerks to 'fat' people" argument, so I was hesitant to post at all. Especially since the point of the story - airline seats not accommodating a variety of individuals - is valid. However, the introduction just raised a huge "huh?" to me because

Sometimes, we need to passive aggressively bother a stranger as punishment for a lifetime of micro-aggressions that the stranger is not even responsible for.

At no point do I see where she bumped him and didn't say excuse me.

I don't watch Glee, so I didn't know who this person was, and frankly, however zie identifies, zie is working that look, and having fun while doing so.

On behalf of gays everywhere, I'd like to extend an extra large "fuck you," I mean, "thank you" her way. Consequences of her actions reach well beyond the bad karma and whatever charges she'll incur because of this. She got her original 15 minutes of fame, above all, for BEING GAY, therefore (falsely) representing all

Wow, that got intense fast. I can have empathy and sympathy for people and not trust them or approve of their behavior. Also, why are you basing your morality solely on legal definitions? Suffragettes were starved and force fed and imprisoned for working to get the vote, black and white Americans were imprisoned for

I'm really getting stuck on the phrase "sympathy for a prostitite". Why is that so audacious or unacceptable? Last time I checked sex workers were human beings worthy of empathy and respect.

Wildly too enthusiastic? Did we read the same quote or...? Stating that she slips up and forgets condoms is not the same thing as saying "Yeah, fuck them condoms, amirite?". Giselle's story is not really uncommon when you look at the rates of homelessness and sex work of the LGBTQ community, especially Black and

And do you see how dismissing Giselle's experience, which is not uncommon, just because "hooker deserved it" is part of why this is a huge problem? One doesn't solve a problem by reaching out exclusively to those one deems morally acceptable. Good people get HIV. Bad people get HIV. Poor people, rich people, etc. You

The roll cage builder's stock just sky rocketed.

Just goes to show the power of a roll cage.

People, the tag on this article is goddamn "First Person." It's a personal reflection. Click on her damn blog. Not everything has to be a well-researched, cited, serious journalistic "article." Jesus.

And now you're just an ignorant lump. Go fuck a chainsaw.

People like you never breed. You only fester.

Having a penis is not an error, because half the population has vaginas.

Gay people wish other people were gay.

It's super ironic that you're claiming to be a fan of X-Men comics since the Claremont era and yet you're railing on about genetic errors and "eliminating them".