
Do you mean the white truck or the blue and white truck?

E90 M3 here - I actually try to go out of my way to be polite in traffic to buck the stereotype...

I shouldn't have to make an announcement in the first place. If everyone would just stop assuming all people are straight until proven otherwise, we'd be in a better place. I personally think most people are bisexual to some extent. 'Muricans like to paint everything as black and white, you're either the definition of

Who the f*ck cares?

Oh for sure. All speeding tickets are just a money generator. If they weren't, the fines would be so much steeper that people really wouldn't speed. Certainly an argument against this system.

I think the saying "it's like riding a bike" refers to something which, once learned, you don't ever forget. It's not to do with it being easy.

Thank you. I've had to pull a lady out of a car after an accident and that is not the quickest task, I couldn't imagine adding a train into the mix. I'd probably have done the same by just trying to push the car. The guy saved them. End of story. Bravo to him.

Are you serious? You have to:

As a fellow military member you will probably understand what I'm thinking. Whenever we write award/commendations we tend to make the action sound as exciting or courageous as possible, right? I think he most likely just tried pushing first and if it wouldn't have worked he most likely had plenty of time to extract

My "bags" are hard cases full of camera equipment that I need in order to do my job. It would be one thing if I was trying to get my extra Louis Vuitton bag on the flight, and it had 70 lbs of Loboutin shoes on it, but I need my bags to do my job, I'm not some spoiled rich kid screaming about "the royal baggage"

So you don't bring that third fucking bag!

LOVE THIS. Your Cameraman? Hero. Douche who thinks it's okay to take 4 overweight bags on a flight and then ditches them when he doesn't get his way? Not so much.

The reason I can't get behind that idea is that I don't believe only artists who are ideologically milquetoast should receive patronage. That's the South Park argument. You pull one idea out, you eventually pull them all out. I can't square the logical circle where I told Republicans and bigots for years that

Spare me. Card is welcome to his opinions, regardless of how repellant his opinions are. He is NOT, however, welcome to my money, especially when he has used, and will most likely CONTINUE to use, the money that he has earned to attack me, my family, and my friends.

Are you sure? It's not particularly any more or less appealing to me than evangelicals pulling this stuff. In the end, it's trying to vet creative people by what they believe or their content artificially rather than letting people judge the content of their art. Art can and does transcend artist. Film absolutely

You're right! If he were dead, OSC wouldn't be able to pat himself on the back for shitting out a fake apology in order to make more money so he can continue sponsoring the opposition of the marriage equality movement and making sure to link homosexual + pedophile with a straight face.

OK. I get so FREAKING MAD about IDIOTS who say "you shouldn't discount an author's work because of his personal views." I read/watch stuff all the time from writers who I disagree with. That's not the issue! The issue is this is writer who actively sought to repress the rights of his fellow human beings because of

Any lawyer worth his weight in a retainer would have #2 thrown out of the courtroom.

The statute of "aggravated harassment" states that it is a misdemeanor to act "with intent to harass, annoy, threaten or alarm" someone "anonymously or otherwise, by telephone, be telegraph, or by mail, or by transmitting or delivering any other form of written communication, in a manner likely to cause annoyance or

Let's check this - so on one hand, we have some kid who, not only broke the speed limit but got caught doing it. This brain trust then compounded his error by pointing out how much he disliked this town.... and got hauled back into Court to have to answer for his crimes. Which of course is now public record and can