
You actually understand how unacceptable your own behaviour is, attacking absolutely every person who disagrees with your behaviour.

But he was hot in that corn-fed, bend-me-over and don’t talk to me way.

Oh, and really small-dicked too. ;)

Well, you are obnoxious, aren’t you? That’s a subjective opinion, by the way, though given your posts in this thread it’s likely supportable as fact as well.

Your claim itself is incorrect. Opinions may be based on objective or subjective information, and the latter by definition (the word “subjective”) are inherently correct. They may be of little value, but they’re still correct.

An opinion regarding a wholly subjective topic - like the inherent appeal of a name - remains valid and correct regardless of the value others place on that opinion.

Now Daniel, look at the shit-storm of controversy you’ve created, and with just 23 words, 2 inappropriately used ellipses, and 2 periods.

Very well trolled indeed.

Probably been said already, but I haven’t read far down: it’s “Canadian”, not “Candian”

You’re free to believe it’s not all cops as you choose. Others, like myself, will take the evidence of blight and apply it to the profession. That’s reasonable in the face of the evidence we see on a nearly daily basis.

Oh, just that the bad cops appear to outnumber the good ones these days - at least when it comes to policing their own ranks. It’s far too easy to find similar articles to the one I linked.

Umm... no.

To be clear, it’s the riders’ actions that paint them in a negative light. That they’ve been recorded only allows their negative actions to be public.

That you actually think ignoring poor behaviour is the best option is mind-boggling.

Hmm... it couldn’t possibly give a bad image for riders to shut down a motorway to pull stunts now, could it?

I can’t imagine why you would receive hate for that extreme sense of entitlement you possess. No idea at all.

Who cares what the case was when they parked there? They shouldn’t have, end of story.

I like your friend. One of my good friends uses a chair-topper on her little sedan - it needs a good 36-40 inches of clearance to slide out and drop the chair to the ground. I can only imagine the talking to she’d be giving these cyclists for their arrogance.

Oh, I don’t know, a little tongue-play just inside the urethra’s kind of hot. Then again, sounding with a plastic straw? Not on my dick’s life.
