
Weird I’ll certainly admit to, but you’ve got dumb cornered and by the horns.

So you fuck up, and it’s the tow driver’s fault for doing his job?

I think I love you.

I like peppers. I’ll take yours.

I’m absolutely good with his ordering style - as you say, he’s not really making extra work, or ordering off-menu, he’s just learned how to best construct his meal given the available menu.

Still, I can’t agree with this sentiment: “Near as I can tell, the only entity being taken advantage of here in any capacity is

Eh, I’d rather be bitter and angry about the injustices in this world - and be a mediocre waiter - than be an entitled asshole like you.

You’re absolutely right that it isn’t rocket science, o well-read-but-ignorant-stacks clerk.

The customers were told about the wait, and their drinks were monitored and topped up during. They have no basis for denying a tip. None. That you think they do says just tons about you.

And, you entitled prick, you’re not


I’ll respectfully disagree. If you’ve left your pet in the car on a hot day, you do need your hash settled.

The clients had already shown how little regard they have for the life of their dog. Politeness is not required. Pulling them bodily out of the chairs and throwing their asses out of the restaurant is the

Oh, I do hope the next we hear of this is the court judgement requiring Longhorn to pay their ex-employee significant sums, including wages for however long it takes to process through the court system and significant personal injury damages for wrongful dismissal.

Seriously, a restaurant telling its staff to ignore

Others have already explained the basic requirements of life to you, you awesome douche-canoe troller.

Yeah, it would still happen, sadly.

Dearest of restaurant patrons, assuming you’ve been told the restaurant is slammed, there’s going to be delays in the kitchen, and your server is being otherwise attentive with drinks and the little they can to keep your entitled ass happy during the wait, here’s what you do in this situation in the future:

1. Get your

Incredibly lucky indeed.

I’d lose a year.

If I chose the roach I’d be driving around paranoid that every time I stopped I was putting it in touch with its brethren, and they were planning my earlier-than-one-year-less demise. The anxiety would kill me.

A legacy built on lies? I seem to recall Cosby helping teach that every person is worthwhile and worthy of respect (from Fat Albert cartoons), and you want us to separate that he believed none of it? No, sorry. He deserves to have his legacy trashed, since he clearly valued so little of it.

I think this is the part that amazes me the most: 40-ish years ago, Cosby starting protecting his reputation, a brand built on family-friendly, pudding and jello. What kind of creature can treat other humans as worthless property to abuse yet project such an innocent brand? The convolutions of his brain...

Let’s get to grips of what’s going on here, ashholes who don’t give a damn if their toys endanger people attempting to do their jobs correctly.

It’s a totally cool idea; get the licensing system up and running on line, then you can downsize the staff of county clerks a smidge.

Yet another schmuck refusing to bake a cake in the name of religion. For goodness’ sake, the product she’s selling changes even less than the frickin’ cake.