
But we'll take Fillion back tomorrow.

Right. We transfer down there a cute kid who doesn't know his ass from the music business' hole, you process him into the faux-monster that he is, and now you want to force us to take him back.

I'm not suggesting you can't spend your money any way you choose; however, suggesting that all of those choices are defined needs as opposed to desires would be utter BS.

Sure, needs would change if you're a polygamist or have 20 children - that has zip to do with "wants" in the context I've been using it. We're not, in the end, on different pages, just coming at it from differing angles.

My original comment was regarding the disparity between need and want in North America. You assumed I was arguing about infringing on others' freedoms, and that's hardly the case.

Wow. You assume one hell of a lot. It was simply a statement about desiring more than we need in North America - a measure of our consumer based capitalism, not a call to limiting anyone's choices. The statement neither presumes that rural or farm dwellers don't have different base needs than urban dwellers, nor does

Freedom is about choices that don't interfere with the rights of others, and it's a red herring in this context. The discussion point I raised is in regard of the needs for life in North America versus the desires we're all very well trained to purchase. The definition will vary, of course, but it's hard to make a

I didn't write a precis of a dissertation about my testicularly-enhanced driving habits to respond to you. That's your line.

Perhaps you should use the word "wants." It's more appropriate in the context. Many of us in North America have far more than we need, but far less than we desire.

Wow. Talk about personal space issues. I've lived for years in 330 sq. ft., with regular house guests.

Oh my god. Your observations can only skewed by narrow vision. Then, perhaps you live in a city where cyclists outnumber motorists 100 to 1, so you see more cyclists every day than drivers.

You are truly a schmuck.

Certainly didn't fail at recognizing a pedantic schmuck who responded exactly as expected. You have a great day proving your superiority and tiny penis.

I question your observation skills, and again which planet you live on.

No, some of us recognize that roads are the only reasonable place for bikes, cars, buses, and trucks - and drive according to the conditions and presence of other traffic.

She got only nine months on a "P" plate? Somebody in WA really screwed the pooch with that judgement!

I'm repeating myself, but it bears repeating: you are a jackass.

"driver's world" is where you lost me. If roads were only for drivers, there wouldn't be horses.

Wow. You are an ignorant jackass.

Not very observant then, are you.