
Well, if'n y'all don't want to be called a douche, don't behave like one and give the resulting impression.

Spoken like someone who never sees the lesson when others wait around to teach it to them.

Wow. From deflection to a personal attack.

So stop deflecting.

Whatever, indeed.

Horrible people. How incredibly jaded of you. Some are certainly shallow, and many are damaged in some way that drives their creativity, but horrible is a stretch.

Thank you for responding seriously. I don't personally find it that easy to separate the artist from the art, and given some of the vileness that's been shown LGBT+ performers in the past, I'd say many people have felt (and continue) to find it just as difficult.

Colour me wowed. And smiling uncontrollably. Just wow.

Thank you - that's rather nicely put.

She's a bitch for noting that she's got nothing to do with a 25 year old situation and feeling it irresponsible that she's been named a party to it for acting in a movie? Get a grip.

How does one separate the artist from the art?

Yep, that'll get me to buy a Chevy.

If he isn't, I hope his partner doesn't desire children. Stupid of this level shouldn't be permitted to procreate.

Many years ago I was on a commuter flight from Vegas to Vancouver via St. George, UT. Interesting airport: it used to be on a mesa.

Hmm...we have different definitions and/or connotations for "ugly", "little", and "turd."

You're saying it's fine to diss other nations because GM screwed up their manufacturing and marketing processes and let Cadillac slip from "Standard of the World" four decades ago?

Saying "you've earned this because you work hard for your money" is a bit different than "you deserve this because you're better than folk in other countries." It smacks of a superiority that might be historically justifiable, but is still just as distasteful as ever.

Kill it with fire.

Marilyn Moore:

I understand and even agree with your hoping for it, but yes, it's far too much.