
It's naive to think McDonald's and other large employers don't already maximize their labour use, or that their labour supply is unitary elastic. In other words, since they already maximize their labour-hours, they must still buy a similar volume of hours to satisfy their production, regardless of minimum wage values.

The bike zone at the intersection is a safe stopping zone for cyclists - we have them in Vancouver as well, and they've reduced intersection accidents. What this driver did was stop before the zone (almost), then proceed into it fully, where he'd no reasonable reason to enter.

If you consider the two encounters as separate incidents, you're certainly correct. It's a little much to justify them as separate for me, but I can go with you on it.

Nope, different opinions than my own are welcome - and I love discussion that focuses on motivation and intent.

Your assumptions here are based on the initial issue being a mistake.

He can disagree, apologize, or ignore. That's free speech.

There will be people making assumptions about what went on in the four seconds we don't see. You're assuming the bike guy hit the window.

The driver was asking for it. No reason for him to crowd into the bike only space and jack rabbit away from the intersection like that, endangering the cyclists with his carelessness.

You think it's stupid, then advocate to change it rather than blaming cyclists for using it correctly.


Right. Let's blame the guy riding 25lbs of metal for yelling at the driver of the 4000lb vehicle. After all, being told he's a dick really must have hurt the entitled Audi driver, don't you think?


Rightttt. He was defending himself from the verbal onslaught that resulted from his own fucked-up entitlements. You know, the kind that make him think he can sit in the same space as that dedicated to other vehicles.

Overreact much?

"We here in 'Murica, don't want no foreign rulers."

Since when is an interest in legible nutrition information a definable neuroses?

Teaching your kid to do donuts is cool.

Every few years I'm reminded of the mess that British Columbia politics has been for over forty years, with scandals, conflicts of interest, pathetic mudslinging contests during election season, and the occasional vote-counting controversy.

Well, the cup IS legend.

Dear United States citizens: