
Got any links to something more than anecdotal on this? I'd be interested to read it, thanks.

Were I a betting man, I'd argue you were called ignorant and silly for stringing together short, trite phrases that seemed designed to inflate the conversation, when you could as easily have added information regarding your knowledge of the metropolis that is Ft. Worth, or the average age of cars at replacement in the

The odds of most reading down to this amendment before adding to the pile are slim, but I applaud your attempt.

Wow. Real-wheel drive!

At the end of the day, that was rather well-trolled, sir.

Not a fair inference to make.

Never driven in Toronto, but visited in the rain. Heard lots of that over a few days.

To be fair, children are incredibly excitable and one-directed: they tend to follow their play, even if into the street where - it's sincerely hoped - you're discerning enough to be travelling along slowly and able to stop without harming them.

Legislation like this is sadly likely to be unenforceable in any way, and quickly contested and shot down. It will endanger employees and the livelihood of the owners will be the arguments. It'll likely infringe on some amendment or other.

PS: Kinja has kept me out of discussions since 09/01. Turns out that was a good thing, keeping me from slagging and trolling all the cyclists until I'd calmed down some. Still, ****ing Kinja sometimes.

What Duckferd said. I've personally seen Critical Mass-holes strike pedestrians. Made my day once sitting in a restaurant as CM came through and a little old lady got caught in a cross walk. She laid about with her cane to make a path, cursing them out for their lack of courtesy.

Calling "Graby Sauce" an idiot is entirely inappropriate.

Given that the gun response has been hashed to death in the last two days, you couldn't have trolled this new post more beautifully if you'd tried.

Raphael, I regretfully must agree with your basics of avoidance for this heinous circumstance.

Ah, my can of worms for the day. 'scuse me while ah pick a nit or three.

Had it happen many years ago, when I was a new(ish) driver. I had, fortunately, some room to move to a shoulder and avoided being junk yard scrap in my roommate's mother's car.

Right, fine. Passing the one car, and approaching the next group on the road as the wrong-way dude appears. He's still unnecessarily sitting in the left lane and going along faster than the other traffic.

We may have to reassess your definition of 'tootling', good sir. It includes 'leisurely', yet our philippines friend here was left-laning it, passing all other traffic. Is that, I ask you, truly leisurely?

Most of the visitors I've met over the years have pointed out or outright ridiculed the stereotype at some point during their visit. I don't usually find it offensive - it is part of the regional pronunciations in Canada, after all - but I do find it tacky, especially if I'm treating guests to dinner...

Oh, right. Sorry about your White House. Sheesh.