
Intelligent discussion is always interesting. I'm not a huge fan of name-calling, myself, and do try to avoid, with a very few exceptions. I prefer to think of myself as an adult. I withdraw from confrontations where I'm apoplectic and can think of no response other than "you're a poopy head!"

It's taken me years to stop brake checking: it's that flash of the brake lights that tells the tailgater you're aware of them and you'll move over as soon as it's safe. In this video, it's brake terrorizing, not brake checking.

I'm glad I took the time to read through all the inflammatory comments you've received ("top comment generator of the day" award, Jalopnik?) to form a better picture of you than your initial comment shows. If only a very slightly better picture.

Absolutely no idea what was illing the gent from Illinois. Doesn't really matter much, as he's behaving dangerously.

Wow. You've certainly hit a button today, Mr. Troll. AND, you came prepared to argue your position is correct no matter the kinds of responses you get. Good for you! Winner!

"In the end, I think it all sums up to getting used to the procedures and trying to maintain the human part out of the surgery table, but inside the recovery rooms."



Thank you! Many times over.

Should've just stopped at the comma.

And you've carefully considered the child's reaction to your comments, right?

It did offend, but thank you: a considerate response wasn't expected in this thread, today.

Perhaps I'm just hypersensitive today with the grey skies, or maybe it's because I'm an orphan: I don't know.



Grab an empathy stick.

You're absolutely correct that it's unfortunate the parents in this situation didn't more carefully consider each of their actions before enacting them.

Supporting our Cylon-selfied writer, I wanted this to be creepy. Seriously creepy. Instead, what I saw was an inoccuous tale of incremental improvement in a surprisingly feminist re-hash of the toroise and the hare.

Read through many of the "cyclists are asshats" and "no, you're wrong" comments, thinking to myself there would be voices of reason included as well, speaking to the issue rather than the stereotypes. I'm pleased that I found some: the ranting and whinging is likely good for Jalopnik's stats, but does little for

There does appear to be some question on whether she qualifies as the latter.