
Considering what happened to the kapos after the Holocaust, yeah, the Aunts would be fucked.

So, obviously the subtext was lost on this reviewer…

Ugh. I hate seeing Pallbearer even mentioned with that other garbage.

Hosts can work ceaselessly and efficiently, without getting distracted. Huge benefit there when you're trying to repair damaged Hosts and get them back into their role.

It's nearly identical to the schematic of Dolores, which is clearly not the same tech they use to create new hosts.

In the exact same episode you're talking about. The first schematic shown is Dolores, with notably older technology. Dolores is the oldest surviving Host in the park. The schematic of Bernard is nearly identical.

I have watched it again, and I disagree with you. Besides, it makes no sense for Ford to make a Host of Arnold, but name it Bernard, which it has clearly been named since it was one of the first Hosts, along with Dolores. If it's the same age as Dolores, then it would have been created when Arnold was still around.

That's debatable as to whether that is supposed to be through the eyes of Bernard, or whether it's a cinematic choice to not directly show it until it becomes important, which it does a moment later when Bernard can't see it.

False equivalency. The show has already shown that the Hosts don't have free will hardwired into them; that they will in fact die over and over again because they are programmed that way. All "free will"-style choices that we've seen thus far are the result of the Reveries bug.

But we've never (knowingly) seen things as seen through the eyes of a host, so there's no reason to think that Bernard was somehow changing that person into someone else.

He can't be bad. He's a robot. Any actions he does are because he was directed to do so.

Yes. There is a flash in one of the first few episodes which shows a picture of young Ford and Arnold. He does not look like Bernard.

Fucking masterful.

Yes, thank you. It's nuts to me that people can't understand this.

That's what I got from it, considering it's already been established that other "staff" in the park are also machines. Why not the techs too? Makes them a helluva lot easier to control and replace.

That's not really a compliment.

Oh, honey. It shouldn't be for you either, if you have a modicum of taste. That shitshow is worse than a dumpster fire that someone is extinguishing with urine.

This band is utterly forgettable, aside from their name.

Uh, because you namedropped Hallmark multiple times. In fact, it seems to be your only real opinion here: that the series seems like something from Hallmark. So, obviously, you must watch that station a lot if you feel comfortable enough to describe something as being in its style. If you don't watch a lot of…

You must watch a shit ton of Hallmark movies for you to name it as a style. Just sayin'.