
I'm with you. This reviewer is very obtuse on a lot of things. There is a lot of subtext and content that is implied pretty clearly that she doesn't seem to grasp.

Seriously. It blows my mind that this point is so overlooked. IF FRANK ISN'T BORN, NONE OF THIS HAPPENS, YOU FOOLS.

I think you have a hard time deciphering sarcasm, and are totally unaware of how "Poor me, I actually have to step out of my experience as a white male, and it's -hard-!" you sound.

Yeah, I mean, it's such a damn shame that, for once, there is a comics adaptation that isn't centered around white males fighting other white males. It's almost as if they think that comics have underserved audiences, like women and non-whites, who might enjoy stories they can relate to. Those monsters!

It will be revealed why Cage's wife died by the end of the series. Just let it happen.

Yeah, it's a smaller title from an indie studio. I only heard of it because I have a friend who works in game design.

Has anyone heard of a game called Fallout 4? It just came out a few weeks ago, and reminds me a lot of Skyrim for some reason!

The blame falls almost wholly on the owners of the club. Numerous exits were blocked, exit signs were obscured, and the sound proofing foam was not flame retardant. A similar, flame-retardant insulator could have been purchased at something like $2/sq ft more.

That's nice, Internet.

Hello. Welcome to the A.V. Club. We have no idea what you just said because it was neither bitingly witty or irreverent. There will be a continental breakfast in the lobby from 7 am - 11 am. Thank you, and enjoy your stay.

I'd like to hop in here to shit all over Centurylink, too.

Similar thing happened to me. I cancelled my service, unplugged the box, drove it less than a mile to the office, and handed it to the guy at the counter.

It mentions more than one show from last year, so, no.

No love for Sleepy Hollow here? Iiiiiiiiiinteresting. As I've been watching it, I'm continually pleased by how balanced it is. Abby Mills is an African American woman who holds her own in just about every way, without falling into any of the common tropes we've seen for so long. She's not just Ichabod Crane's equal,

Now if we could only reconcile Ryan Adams and a hairbrush.

You're no John Adams, yourself.

Am I the only one who's disappointed that Lt. Jeremy "Nice Guy" Foster is out of the picture now? Such a cutie!

If the show follows the book, you'll get tons o' Jaime around Episode 6.


Jaime's mother was Dougal and Colum's sister, who I thiiiiink was older than Dougal, and younger than Colum. The lairdship goes down the line of ascension of birth order. Colum -> Jaime's Mom -> Dougal. Since Jaime's mom was a female, and can't be laird, the title goes to her firstborn son, Jaime, before Dougal.