That sounds perfect for me.
That sounds perfect for me.
The buyer I am going to has been up for almost a decade and is very highly rated across the internet. What you say is true if you’re with a new buyer or trying to get some truly illicit stuff like cocaine online, but for a prescription pill that is over the counter in much of the world, it’s not tough to find the real…
I don’t really want a stimulant, I just want something to give me an edge and some focus. Stims make me way too jittery.
Do the pharmacies really charge more? I had assumed it was a fairly cheap drug if it was 2 bucks a pill online.
Hmm, as much as I am inclined to trust doctors, I also think that the patient often knows what’s best for their body.
That’s great news, thanks for sharing. I was only really planning on using it once or twice a week for marathon school work sessions.
Great comment man, thanks for all the awesome info and perspective!
What have your experiences with modafinil been so far? How often do you take it?
If Xanax helped you so much then why is it so hard to get a prescription for it? It sounds like you lucked out in the mental health treatment gamble.
Thanks for the personal input, I always like to hear more about something before giving it a shot. How often do you use it for work? Also how bad is the hangover? Is it akin to an alcohol hangover?
Entirely true, I suppose I was just being nitpicky with the phrasing.
I’m well aware of the reality behind the name, but as somebody who enjoys his metal you learn to separate the coolness from the reality of things. It helps you enjoy life more.
“Modafinil Shows the Most Promise, But You Can’t Get It Without a Prescription”
Irish Car Bomb is a pretty great name though.
Oooh, too bad mental gymnastics don’t work the same as normal gymnastics or you might have actually gained something from such an insipid comment.
Just gonna repost my own comment here:
It’s odd that people are raging about Stein’s anti-vaccine stance when they are totally fine with Clinton supporting war crimes for profit. How is one fine but the other makes you abhor the candidate? I guess dead kids aren’t one of your hardlines.
It’s odd that people are raging about Stein’s anti-vaccine stance when they are totally fine with Clinton supporting war crimes for profit. How is one fine but the other makes you abhor the candidate?
Clinton supports war crimes and the murder of civilians for profit.
Sure, fad diets like “all liquid, raw only smoothies” aren’t sustainable, but controlling your caloric intake very much is. It’s just that people are ignorant and lazy and would rather be overweight and obese than to track their food intake. Long term weight loss requires discipline, which is why so few people succeed.