What unfair pay? A woman without an engineering degree or any technical experience SHOULD be paid less than an engineer in a technical company. Simply existing does not qualify you for making the same. Jesus fucking christ.
What unfair pay? A woman without an engineering degree or any technical experience SHOULD be paid less than an engineer in a technical company. Simply existing does not qualify you for making the same. Jesus fucking christ.
“There is something fishy on BOTH sides of this story.”
She was given a ton of gimmes to keep her placated, most likely after she threw a hissy fit and threatened a lawsuit. This sort of shit is commonplace when an employee threatens to sue, except in this case even all the gimmes were not enough to stop this woman from still trying to make a quick buck. I am shocked…
This is just the natural extension of the “listen and believe” dogma pushed by feminists to be honest. It’s assumed that no woman could ever possibly lie for profit or to punish someone or something.
So let me get this straight here. This woman:
The people on Jezebel aren’t this stupid, right? This is all a big inside joke that I’m not in on, right?
Lol buddy, you’re on the wrong site if you think rationality and empathy have any place.
I don’t use public wi-fi much at all, but my school could definitely use this technology!
Hopefully they’ll at least get diabetes and lose their feet over it.
Yep, looks like I was regrayed. What a load of bullocks. I am a consistent, supportive commenter for two years and I disagree with a handful of unrelated political posts and get grayed because I don’t ape groupthink on something that’s not even Giz related?
Good article as always Maddie.
Did I seriously get re-grayed after being approved for so long? Fucking bullshit.
Let’s be fair here: realistically nobody gives a fuck if “nature” has some winners if humans are no longer able to live on the planet, or ruin our quality of lives and security on the planet. I don’t care if jellyfish become more common. I don’t care if algae blooms are great for algae. I do care about our species…
I like the Overwatch fluff pieces...
I didn’t mean they were all that great, just that many of them were better than Trump.
Except she’s not better than any of them. She’s horrible in her own way, and you’re deluding yourself if you think she’s better just because she’s on your “side”.
Johnson is a hypocrite, supports policies that are proven to not work and be actively detrimental to the country, and was a pretty bad governor. He’s not a good alternative, even if he seems okay because the two establishment candidates are so terrible by comparison.
“Hillary hit pieces.”
Wait, so they killed all these shrimp so they could take an okay series of photos? That’s pretty fucked.
I’ve basically given up at this point. Corruption is so deeply ingrained in our government, from the smallest local to the highest federal, and it feels like nobody but me cares sometimes. I don’t even know who to vote for. The racist, liar, corrupt, war hawk, war crime committing, corporatist, establishment…