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    Given that Iran even gave the boats back I’m guessing all the folks here that overreacted will now admit to being wrong.

    HQ said something about a 3 hour tour...

    Russia wanting a nuclear Iran is like China wanting a nuclear North Korea.

    And so they have. Iranians aren’t idiots or arabs.

    No, we would have kicked them out of Eastern Europe. And if necessary nuked Stalin into oblivion.

    It worked out a lot better for us the way it turned out. Eastern Europeans not so much.

    Must be because I can’t think of anything else it might be.

    Huh...had to look at the other photos because this photo makes it look like it still has it’s stinger.

    One of my friends was one of the COs of this boat. We joked about splitting the $180K among our friends and buying it.

    Given that the RP Navy’s OOB consists of two Hamilton class HECs renamed as “frigates” which IIRC currently are still without missiles, 11 Corvettes, and 38 patrol craft the only thing the Filipinos are hoping in reopening Subic is that we base some real ships there because the Chinese Coast Guard could probably beat

    Meh, the Chinese and Vietnamese have claimed it since the 18th century but Vietnam repudiated those claims in 1958 so tough luck to them. Of all the claimants they can most go screw themselves because they don’t even have the excuse that some previous country did the repudiation. They traded away those claims for help

    Now that the runway is operational, cargo flights can begin that will greatly enhance the speed at which the island becomes a fully operational military base.

    There is certainly a bit of that.

    In which case it is best used off shore some place you actually want to invade sometime soon (i.e. why we built them) and not parked indefinitely for little purpose.

    Sea basing is dumb and expensive for this purpose and occupies strategic assets for little gain.

    The folks in the Pentagon never thought they were in harms way. Or the folks at Ft. Hood.

    It’s only 3m elevation. Given that you can get 5m storm surges in the RP the amount of protection from the general elevation is fairly minimal as it is. Without channelling from terrain you won’t get 5m storm surges on the island but take away a third of the buffer and your fixed structures are a lot more likely to

    If there isn’t going to be a shooting war then except for the dead coral there’s little difference between parking a platoon on a rusting ship and building a 3000m runway.

    LOL, not at you since you were kidding (mostly), but if the CIA could kill anyone they wanted Castro would have been dead 50 years ago.