it just means billions of dollars being funned into the pockets of Russian oligarchs. it just means billions of dollars being funned into the pockets of Russian oligarchs.
He should hire Robert Downey Jr to keynote for him.
We can fix a lot of those shortfalls you mentioned with autonomy.
UGV with a CROWS setup gives you about the same view on the world as you might all buttoned up with a TUSK upgrade (the ones with CROWS anyway). Only 10 km away.
High speed LPD and LPI radios have been used securely in tactical systems for a long long time.
“UGVs make a LOT more sense than Tyler gives them credit for.”
What details? You assert short ranged LOS comms despite the fact you have a cell phone in your pocket capable of streaming netflix that works in the exact environment you claim it can’t.
Yes, my cell phone doesn’t work at all in an urban environment.
“Also, because there are still multiple people controlling and supporting the system when it is operating, the efficiency of it is highly questionable. This prompts the question: why not just use a manned combat vehicle for these types of missions?”
It all depends on if you believe in STOM right?
Yah, that whole S-400 thing was silly as was all the handwringing.
The issue with CFTs is that OUR F-16s don’t have the plumbing or structural additions to support CFTs. It would be an expensive modification which is why we didn’t buy any CFTs for our own use. Not because the USAF doesn’t understand the value of CFTs for F-16s even with all our other advantages.
I can’t recall now but it was likely his getting on a high horse over how some aspect of the USN or USAF was dumb like the F-16 CFT thing in which he turned out to be wrong.
He grays people that calls him on his being wrong on facts.
Yes you do.
At least the AAV is brick designed to swim...unlike the Bradley. That sucked a lot too until the army finally admitted it was a bad idea.
Except what neither you or Tyler understand is those rings represent optimal conditions against the most vulnerable targets.
Yep I’m in the greys but I’ll continue to point out that for a “military blogger” you sure don’t seem to understand what the range rings really mean or explain them to your readers.