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    The Chinese used the fundamentals of Sun Tzu all through the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Which is about 300 years of the Chinese getting its ass kicked by everyone else.

    When you push CAS out of MANPAD range you need either large numbers of expensive precision munitions or you get significantly less tactical effect.

    No. We would have continued in Africa and thereby Italy. Then taken Norway back first.

    Hitler cancelled Sea Lion because the production of landing craft was no where close to projected and because the Luftwaffe was unable to defeat the RAF. Which means the Royal Navy would have sunk the landing craft (aka barges) before the got ashore.

    Sea Lion was an unlikely operation after the failed Battle of Britain air campaign given the disparity in required troops and available German sea lift capability which would have faced both the RN and the RAF.

    Untrue. Berlin would have met the same fate as Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    “Since Finland does not primarily use its fighter force for expeditionary warfare, the high-end capabilities and stealth technology seen of the F-35 would be hard to justify.”

    I volunteer you to run over the IED in the lead truck.

    I swear that North Korea is being paid off my major US defense contractors to cause shitstorms so more of our stuff is bought.

    Shit happens when you take someone’s embassy and hold their diplomatic staff hostage.

    Tyler, in 10 years when the F-35 rocks just like the F-22 does now and you’re railing about how terrible the 1st gen UCAS program is doing as click bait someone is going to point back at these articles and how wrong you were last time.

    I used to be a fan of DOT&E until I realized they had changed their mission from “Make programs better” to “Throw programs under the bus so we can get a bigger budget”.

    No. The images were self censored.

    The i960 is in the operational fighter in the block 20/increment 1 hw aircraft (the Block 10 IOC aircraft) and IIRC only post 2007 F-22s block 20s had the hybrid increment 2 CIS with both i960s and PPC. Not all of the avionics was ported over although it is possible that they implemented the i960s as soft processors

    The point is that we have more F-22 than top end NATO nations have fighters on top of all our F-16s, F-18s and F-15s.

    They aren’t irreplaceable when the F-35s come on line.

    Lets get real. China’s recent big order of SU-35s was 24 aircraft.

    Yah, I used to be real impressed with the supposed rigor of these companies...until I worked for them and realized it’s a lot more half assed than that shiny ISO certification would lead you to believe.

    Lol...I watched the Navy buy an assload of used obsolete HP single board computers off e-bay because it was the critical component of a combat system.

    The WWII German G7e/T3 (1942ish) had a proximity fuse and decent depth keeping and was designed to hit under the keel and break their backs.