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    Lol...who just had their stock market enter a free fall?

    If you built an island off the coast of Russia I bet you could see them from your porch.

    “The truth is that these islands could be hardened military outposts capable of projecting power in a persistent manner far from the Chinese mainland, and over one of the most important shipping arteries in the world. It is all part of a scalable anti-access/area denial military strategy that China has been pursuing

    LOL. Even the 3 foot sea level rise will be problematic.

    Russia is dictating what to whom about what region?

    This is stupid circular argument. Its not a threat for the same reason we won’t kill it. Neither side is going to turn this into a bigger mess than it is by actively shooting at each other. So it’s a complete non-threat just like US patriot batteries, US fighters and Aegis equipped ships are a complete non-threat to

    What F-35B users should collaborate on is a V-22 AEW variant.

    I believe the RN went F-35B because of three words:

    Jesus, is this a crappy article.

    It’s a rapid production run of 4 to meet a UONS (urgent operational need) of PACAF. To my knowledge TENCAP doesn’t usually do operational tactical systems but 4 systems is probably within their swim lane if you squint a little and the acquisition bubbas probably didn’t make a stink of it since 4 within the realm of

    Apaches, even when ambushed and shot to hell by AAA, RPGs, etc in OIF managed to return to base with their crews.

    The B-1 gets on station quicker, has more ordinance and can stay on station longer than the A-10. The Apache is far better at shooting at the bad guys with a gun as the videos show. The Army suffers Apache losses it shouldn’t (and the USMC doesn’t) because of institutional biases which indicates that the Key West and

    Except in some cases there were non-combatants in the tents or friendlies nearby.

    Agreeing to disagree is no fun. :)

    That was a weird space...it’s like 3-4 times the size of the admiral’s meeting space on a Nimitz. And way too much plastic was used.

    Depending on the definition of modern they did lose the battle of Yalu river against the Japanese.

    They need the ability to open at least one of the straits against a far blockade at Malacca or Lombok.

    It’s not like the Izumos are the last carriers Japan will build and when they add F-35Bs to the Izumos they will match up well against the Chinese carriers.

    After the decision to retire the Invincibles what were you going to fly Harriers off of in any significant number? HMS Ocean?