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    Lol...if England could afford Empire it would still have it. If it wasn’t for scrapping everything to save the two carriers it won’t be a future global military force. Two carriers is one too few but still better than one.

    The USN as well as hulls are 50 year investments. The USS Nimitz is 40 years old and won’t be retired until 2025.

    You know the other problem with shitcanning 2/3rd of the officer corps?

    If the intent is not to be a superpower that would be the correct action.

    If I was career enlisted in the USAF I’d think long and hard before doing this. My impression was that the Navy flight warrants kind of got fucked when they axed the program. They either had to try to resume their old track essentially behind everyone one else who didn’t take a 6 year hiatus to fly planes, had to go

    Reducing buys often cost you more money than save you any. Eh, maybe it’ll work out but the Navy’s position is that buying new hulls take a long time while buying more weapons is pretty quick.

    I was once distressed at the level of partisanship in our current political discourse until I read about what it was like in the first 100 years of our country. It was every bit as vitriolic and dueling was still legal.

    Jeez, please avoid cross posting from Gawker. I swear I lost 10 IQ points after reading that SOCOM post and its comments by randomly stabbing pointy objects into my brain.

    “Sadly, this was not realized with the F-35, which retained more of a traditional jet fighter configuration and design concept. In the high-end wars of the future, the F-35 and its vulnerable tanker support aircraft will likely be pushed back far outside a capable enemy’s anti-access/area denial defenses.”

    Lol...Uber Russians have fire control radars that can see through miles of earth and target planes below the horizon.

    Yep, cranial and float. Fat lot of good that will do you sardined into a COD. Maybe if you are the O6 that has the window seat you might get out.

    There are a lot of riders for RIMPAC and when new systems are deployed. I guess the Navy is used to just CODing them aboard.

    “As a result policy now requires all pax who fly over water must be qualified with HABD use.”

    Was waiting for a piece on Pearl Harbor. Odd that FA didn’t write anything on the 7th.

    Well he’s not getting away very quickly at 3 kts.

    920 shells + 80 VLS cells

    The US assumes operations in permissive environments because we make the environment permissive even if they didn’t start out that way.

    Getting that stuff man rated is always the expensive and time consuming parts.

    Yah, it’s pretty funny that Putin banned Ukrainian companied from the Russian space program then had to get help from Yuzhmash to service Zenit launches anyway.

    We never stopped launching stuff. Just a hiccup on a cargo mission last year.