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    Worked for the Romans. Not many Carthagenians around.

    The best thing the French could do is call the Turkish ambassador in and state “We’re sending the Kurds 80 AMX-10RC we’re going to retire anyway, some VABs and heavy artillery and the French Foreign Legion to train. What you want in compensation because it’s happening starting tomorrow”

    Obama, the guy that had Osama killed and his dead carcass dropped into the ocean? The guy that is willing to kill bad guys with hellfires in so-called friendly countries? The guy that authorized the Stuxnet cyber attack on Iranian centrifuges?

    Collateral damage most likely.

    Woah…really? Some of the more nasty fighting was between folks that were “all the same religion”.

    Which word in “World War” confuses you? Sure we could go but

    Yes, I meant unmanned NASA. Manned space is a different beastie.

    I would love to follow the Swiss model. I’m pretty certain that for the RTKBA folks not so much.

    Jeez louise, these are the core components of a SAM battery and probably the most expensive bits. There’s no reason to ship these to Syria without also shipping the TELs unless these are replacements needed to reconstitute an existing damaged S-300 Syrian installation. Which IIRC they ain’t got any until recently to

    Here is your premise:

    Because the whole meme that the US people in 2015 doesn’t understand the military and that there’s some great divide between civs and veterans isn’t supported by data or history.

    No, what I’m saying is that if we gave NASA the same missions that the USAF/NRO has they’d get it done for half the price.

    As much as folks bitch about the inefficiencies of NASA they do a whole lot better job than the USAF in terms of bang for the buck.

    It’s a stupid article comparing current service vs WWII. No shit it’s dramatically less.

    Actually, current percentage of population in uniform is not an all time low at 0.46%. In fact it’s on par with the War of 1812 (we probably should have stepped up our game on that one), Mexican American War and Spanish American War. While the chart is from 2004 you can see that most peacetime percentages prior to

    “The country wants to come out and thank these veterans,” said Paul Rieckhoff, executive director of IAVA. “We’ve already seen one celebration in St. Louis, and we’re hearing from other communities who want to do more. Rather than have a scattering of parades here and there, we think it should be a coordinated effort.”

    Nothing wrong with the Judge as long as you get the rounds designed for it. It’s just a tad expensive to practice with at $0.80 a round for Federal #4 buck compared with $0.20 for 9mm from wallyworld.

    Southwest doesn’t fly at 700 mph at 200 ft or Mach 1.25 at 50,000 ft with a variable geometry wing, a range of 7,400 miles (ferry). Concorde is the closest we came and...well...its a shame I never got to ride one.

    A strip alert is to maintain some number of aircraft (call it 2) at a high level of readiness so it can go within the allotted time (30 mins or 5-10 mins from alert).

    No hate, I really like the B-1B. It’s just they are maintainence hogs. 60 hours per flight hour vs 53 for the B-52. It also only has a 57.9% readiness rate vs 75.3% for the B-52. From what I’ve heard they are all broken in some unique and annoying way.