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    This is the difference between analysis by someone with knowledge of USAF TTPs and someone without...a good guess vs a wild assed one.

    I just find the term “thone speech” funny because I’m juvenile.

    So you guys are dropping out of NATO? No more peacekeeping missions ever?

    2 engines is not a “must” for the RCAF any more than it is a “must” for the RNoAF (F-16) or the Swedish Air Force (JAS-39) who also operates in the North, has long borders mostly in the middle of nowhere.

    Nonsense. Of the F-16 mishaps in the Royal Norwegian Air Force only 2 (maybe 3) could have been averted with 2 engines: 23MAR1982, 03MAY1992. The maybe is a goose strike that didn’t describe what caused the crash (02JUN1981).

    LOL. Get educated? Try this:

    Defend from whom? The Russians are no more likely to invade Canada than we are. Defend against Bears and Backfires? Eh. It’s not like it’s really a risky mission is it?

    Sorta a Canadian Petraeus. Hope it turns out better in the end for him than Petraeus.

    If we had to go to war with China tomorrow they’d load them up and send them to war.

    Tyler is smarter than admirals and navy planners. So obviously you must be wrong.

    Modify the F-15SE CWB (conformal weapons bay) like the F-16 CARTS. Looking at the F-15 CFT it is a little harder with a longer boom required but probably doable depending on if they can get to the refueling manifold somewhere along the CWB enclosure.

    They can probably retrofit something similar to the F-16 CARTS:

    $43M/43 PI/5 Years = $200K / year

    While we didn’t build an island out of scratch we did pretty much the same thing back in the day to declare that a certain piece of ocean as ours:

    Unlike in Dubai I don’t think they care about beaches or aesthetics. They look to have built sea walls and filled them in.

    Well, a 10m rise would be pretty annoying to have to maintain.

    Whether or not you can beat a particular air defense system all you really need to do is run them out of ammo...at less than a million a pop you’re talking $20-30M worth of tomahawks.

    So put up or shut up. What are you willing to bet?

    Meh...they have a dozen Burke equivalents. We have 62 Burkes.

    Or maybe say shale, solar and conservation?