Albert Belle of the Ball

I just found out last night that my wife used to hear her parents having sex all the time as a kid. That’s extremely weird, right?

No Wally Szerbiak? Sad!

I got bit on the face by my parents African Grey when I was a kid. Those beaks are no joke.

Protests aren’t supposed to be convenient.

Corn tortillas are garbage.

Franks little beauties is 85?!

That’s assault, brotha

Definitely. WWE is the only route she can take at this point.

Oh hell yes. It made my Christmas.

The reaction on the Nets bench is like the icing on the cake.

I’m a day late on this and didn’t see if anyone else commented on this but how does everybody that works at Deadspin hate Arby’s? Arby’s is the best fast food... Or am I an asshole?

I’m 29 and Trading Places is a classic. I reinforce the idea that he needs new friends.

I think they just changed it and now they’re going to allow them to.

That’s not a name.

A girl I used to be in the Navy with just had a kid a couple years ago and named him Ryatt.... it’s like she thought “I want to name my child after a violent clashing mob, but also want it to be super white trashy too.”

Alone from night to night you’ll fiiiind me

Yeah I’m die hard Cleveland sports fan but superfuck the Browns. They deserve nothing but nuclear holocaust.

Floyd is hateable cuz he’s a shit human who beats women which Connor doesn’t do. But still.... Connor tries way too hard to be the cool likeable bad guy that it’s so fucking annoying.

Nope. He’s the perfect heel. No fucking clue how anybody roots for this “fookin” guy.

Oh my God yes. He’s insufferable. But he’s Irish and says “fook” so it’s cool.