

dear God I was insanely terrified of Michael Myers lurking under my bed from age 7 til I started sharing a bed on a regular basis in my early twenties. :(

all the stars for "starbucks cup" and making me die on the bus thanks

Put them in the box with the gift. Let the recipient know it's in there, so it doesn't get thrown away.

Smart Brother definitely told them not to bother, because well, he's smart.

Thank God I'm not the only one who does this.

I distinctly remember wanting a whole bedroom of inflatable shit.

Bullet = dodged.

They are so awful and I can't figure out what the hell Anthony Anderson is getting out of it.

This has potential! I liked Clarissa okay, but Sabrina was always my favorite.

Ah, half and half! She's probably filthy rich, so it makes sense that she would feel that way politically. It is hard to reconcile the two sometimes, but no my childhood isn't ruined over it. I can still enjoy Clarissa and Sabrina for who they were.. but we can all be disappointed on the internet, its allowed.

No, sadly that's Melissa Joan Hart, who broke our collective childhoods when she started stumping for John McCain.

My MIL is insane at sauces and gravy - the way she showed me was to whisk the shit out of it (2cups broth/drippings to 1 cup water), and not walk away from the pot. It's like seven minutes or so of whisking gently. Also, if you can find Wondra brand quick mixing flour, that's really helpful for thickening - pay

I really appreciated that Coates article. That kind of honesty is so rare, not only in journalism (especially the kind like this that relies on access) but in life. It's hard to say "I am ashamed of what I did/how I handled that situation." He not only did that, but said exactly what he does think - that Cosby is a

I kind of.need to know what happens next :/

People where I live slather it all over everything. Beyond gross. Ngl, I rarely eat it myself. Only a thin covering over my breads for sandwiches, mixed with tuna and relish for a tuna sandwich, and I love macaroni salad. To me, those are the only places where mayo is appropriate hahaha! BUT, duke's just happens to

HEY you never know! It seems to be making it's way up north.. another commented says Maryland, I'm north of there and you are north of me! And hey, if all else fails..

Please never breed is a kind of rude thing to say to someone who suggested it was a phase HBB could be going through. That's true, it could be or it could be a way for her to avoid being preyed on. When I was growing up , I had two addict parents who could barely get themselves up in the morning. So until I moved in

Picturing Sepp Blatter sitting on the ground in the subway, playing Same Love terribly on an acoustic while no one gives him change.

Exactly, thank you! It's easy to say what you would or wouldn't do in a situation like that. There were plenty of times I didn't think I'd ever get over it.. until one day I realized I had. And so far, I have no regrets about working it out with him. People do make mistakes. It does happen.