
Yeah....... you start asking questions like that and more than likely the customer will get pissed off because how dare you second guess their super-important medical condition that they can't really explain and don't comprehend themselves.

I bet they didn't leave a tip.

Autism? I thought this was to raise awareness for mono.

And some of those jobs that were listed have no-tipping policies. My local grocery stores do not allow staff to accept tips. And there was a story a year ago about a NYC sanitation worker who was fired for accepting a $20 tip from someone.

80,000 calories, mainly from Snickers bars and gas station hot dogs.

I feel so bad saying this but I agree with you. I was pregnant at work, restaurant manager, 6 days off a month and 50-55 hour weeks. Never missed a day, no morning sickness, no snowflakeyness. I still had to put the damned trucks away. And my water broke at work in the kitchen for God's sake.

Instead of shaving against the grain, I'll shave with it. The DSC blades still get really close.

For lotion or for shaving? I used to just use conditioner for shaving and that was okay but would gunk up the razor more than the shave butter. For face lotion I would just go without. The only other one that was really good was the Mary Kay Timewise lotion but then I would have to deal with a Mary Kay lady and it

I signed up for Dollar Shave Club and love it. I used to have a terrible time shaving because I would be too cheap to get a new razor/blade and use the same one for too long. Now I change it out every Saturday whether I think it needs it or not. My skin is so much better and I never nick myself. I think my only

My DM told me to shrug it off, but we have to pay the insurance for the phone b/c the cops could not track it down. The employee was fired a day later for other things, he then proceeded to break the windows out of someone's house, steal a car from a random girl he was talking to in a bar, and then threaten his mother

Stressed about work. Shitty customer service job is getting to me. Ready to just throw my keys, grab my certification off the wall, and be done with it. One old asshole complained about the price of his food, told me it was too expensive... then told me "It's too much, right? I mean, you can't afford to eat here?

I pretty much hate the way I look. My body is meh but my face.... I can't stand to look at myself beyond making sure I don't have a booger creeping out of my nose or some dried drool at the corner of my mouth in the mornings. Probably could use some therapy. Like if I am seated in a restaurant and there is a mirror on

THIS. Realized if the cat is out in the woods three miles away and hears me calling, he WILL come back, at a run. Maybe he thinks there will be treats? But if he is in the house he will not come out of his spot.

Done it. Blew him WHILE he did the dishes.

I have personally had to clean something I could only define as a "menstrual tornado". Yes, women can be disgusting. Like, the toilet was more than likely clean before, thank you for doing a hover-shit and spraying feces all over the back of the seat.

Oh, I had a visiting raccoon once. My boyfriend and I lived in a house in the boondocks once (though to be clear, of course, raccoons are everywhere) and we would leave the windows open at night. This allowed the cats to go in and out and not bother us with constant meowing. We started to notice that they were eating

The damned courthouse for not being open. We planned to drive out of town to elope at the courthouse in the town where we met. I called in advance to make sure they were open that day. (Okay, it WAS a Saturday......... that's why I called!) Yup, yup, sure, we're open that day, no problem.

Build a Taco Bell app right into the Smart TV's. Or have a pop up during certain shows.... Would you like to order tacos now?

Rainbow Creampies.

Edited because the thing I said actually turned out too be rude once I read it. I just hope you can find something that works well for you and your girlfriend in the future.