Wearing a John Rocker jersey is the same as wearing a MAGA hat.
Wearing a John Rocker jersey is the same as wearing a MAGA hat.
It’s so obvious how staged this is. Even sadder when you realize he staged it to one-up Obama’s.
Ass-less chaps.
The worst one I ever encountered was “Western. No Jeans.” WTF? Do I just wear a string tie and a Ten Gallon hat (neither of which I own, and I already bought you a gift so I’m not buying single use clothes for this) with a suit or something? Western and No Jeans are a contradiction in terms.
Honestly, I’m amazed the pic doesn’t have their laptop monitors facing the camera, giving away sensitive information.
Look at the rat’s nest of cables there. Christ. Does no one in that place own a couple of zip ties?
You gotta love the showmanship inherent in his obviously staged situation room photo “during” the raid that killed Al-Baghdadi:
“This isn’t analysis because there is nothing to Trump, or to his politics—no room for subtext, no broader strategy beyond whatever seat-of-the-pants pandering is most immediately apparent, nothing but the wheedling and undignified and insatiable vanity that is always right there to see.”
Also, re the “one good day”, he literally planned his attendance at Game 5 purely because he thought (or his handlers thought) that the death of “the world’s most wanted terrorist” would insulate him from said booing. The idea that people should pander to that cynicism is abhorrent, anti-democratic and frankly…
The fact that Trump can go anywhere without being cursed at is a testament to how often we give too much respect to assholes and despots who don't deserve. The only thing that would've made me prouder of the area that I live in is if they had started an "ASSHOLE" or "FUCK YOU TRUMP" chant.
David, I wish to register a complaint. You’ve filed this story to Politics, but this is erroneous, as this is clearly a Sports Story.
(while I’m making rules, if you’re requiring people to wear heels you want to continue to participate in society without being branded as a pariah, you are not allowed to have a cash bar)
This pic urks me so much. For info. This Marine is a 4 year LCpl. For laymen, that means more than likely, that he was either promoted to Cpl and got busted, or he’s never been promoted past LCpl. It also means that he’s probably not a very good Marine in anyway. Either way, the Corps is likely to very shortly be…
> NO. Semi-formal, just like all of these other terms means absolutely nothing. None of these words mean anything.
I’m not sure what it says about me that I’m almost relieved that crawlspace guy wasn’t some kind of supernatural/paranormal thing? (Especially with the cops able to follow up on the whole deal?) Creepy AF, and terrifying for Stugglingsuzy, though, I get. Yeeesh.
The scariest thing about the ouija board story is that a Chick Tract gained enough sentience to write it!
I loved the one from Boulder. Part of the reason is because, since it was an email submission, it was my first time reading it (and props to all of the other ones - I obsessively read them when they called for stories). I also grew up in Denver in the 70s and 80s, and Boulder always creeped me the fuck out for some…
So, I immediately went to my mom’s recommended psychic (I know) and told him everything. He very calmly said, “Well, I think it’s safe to say, it likes you. And hates Ally.” He then told me that if I didn’t want it to bother me, all I needed to do was audibly and clearly tell it exactly what I expected it to do.…
Um... “Toe head” brings a very different (and much more hilarious) picture than does a “towhead.” Likewise “heard animal” and “herd animal.”
Just a friendly PSA: Civil War battlefields are all haunted. Visit at your own risk!