
T-Mobile used to have the good ads with that incredibly attractive woman in the pink dress.

I think Sprint has the worst commercials.

Yeah, that side plot was a distraction that made the movie too long by half.

And the less said of Canto Bight (the Casino Planet 80% of people forgot about) the better.


Ah yeah the character who was poorly written in one movie is smaller than the character who’s been in the franchise for 8 films and 40 years?

This is the only valid take.

This is my biggest concern. I can’t think of a single JJ movie that has a great ending - and he’s now responsible for the biggest final act in film history.

I thought his ability to hit one in the Feels is lacking. The only thought that went through my head when Han died was “Oh look. Harrison finally got what he wanted.”

Consider me whelmed.

JJ is also incapable of prolonged quiet moments... not to mention how often he throws out consistency in favor shallow, moment-to-moment “cool” factors.

This will be the first Episode Star Wars I don’t really have much interest in seeing. After the TFW, TLJ, and Solo (Solo being the first SW I didn’t go see in theaters during my lifetime), I just don’t care anymore. The prequels were badly executed, but at least they were interesting.

Allegedly they were doing reshoots as well and there were SIX (SIX!) potential endings. That’s not a comforting thought if true. 

Its the last movie of a trilogy and I still dont really know what the villains motives are or even who the villain actually is.

You forgot LENSFLARE

Even with all that VFX pron in there, I’m finding it hard to get excited about this episode. All the other recent ones have been muddled, derivative, or just plain stupid. I’m not sure I’ll even bother with this one - and that’s saying a lot coming from an old SW fan like me.
Also, did this just look like nothing but a

And he’s also absolute shit at endings, which [checks notes] is this.

However he has short comings when it comes to a solid story. He cares more about twists and visuals rather than just a strong story, so we’ll see how this goes. Also it’ll be interesting how Disney execs interfere with this, if at all, but you know they probably got a bit irked at the response to the Last Jedi.

I understand we can all feel bad about the way fandom treated Rose Tico, but you’re woke-poisoned if after watching a star wars trailer that’s what you’re excited about.

Probably Jar-Jar Binks’s, right?