Every time a defender gets within one foot of touching Robben, something infuriating happens.
Every time a defender gets within one foot of touching Robben, something infuriating happens.
I'm from Ireland, we don't have to tip here, its totally optional and service staff get paid a fair wage. Perhaps you could explain, why is it the customers fault for not tipping that service staff end up being paid poorly? Shouldn't it be you know, the employers job to ensure his/her staff are paid fairly? But I…
That's a crap load of vodka
Thank you for this beautifully juxtaposed headline.
I'm so sorry to be the resident asswad law student, but... we need to see a definition of what "Player" and "Member" encompass. This passage, at first blush, seems to indicate just that Rule 35 applies only to "Players," however those are defined.
Oh Mary, we all understand how you stay employed. You're one of the most genuinely awesome people in sports television, sort of an anti-Collinsworth, and you know your stuff like few others. I raise a glass to you.
Defense attorneys are working to lower the charge to aggravated breaststroke.
Well, if one angry man is going to wreak that much havoc in that short a period of time, I can't think of a more appropriate place for it to occur than downtown Oklahoma City.
"Fifty-three yards into the wind? F that"
I can still hit the ball 45 yards outside the numbers with good hangtime
An Orion companion module based on the ATV, you say?
Watch GM build the 2018 Commodore with a manual transmission in the USA and still not offer that transmission on the Chevrolet version.
Hey idiots,
Seems pretty shitty to have a whole group of people stripped of their basic human rights and forced to work under slave-like conditions and I don't even get a new iPhone out of it.
At least Forrest Gump scored touchdowns.
Nah you're right, Shaq Fu: Da Return is right up there with The Chronic and Fear Of A Black Planet