This is pretty standard for most places. I had to almost sit out a year in HS for transferring schools, ended up signing an affadavit that I wasn't recruited, had to get my old coach to sign off on it.
This is pretty standard for most places. I had to almost sit out a year in HS for transferring schools, ended up signing an affadavit that I wasn't recruited, had to get my old coach to sign off on it.
3rd place in the '06 WC is better than anything the US has ever done, and they did so losing to the eventual winners, Italy. Also helmed Bayern through a CL quarters game and almost to a Bundesliga title.
Pre-coffee my pronoun-antecedent relationships don't always come together properly. That should've been 2 thoughts.
Hey Travis, I saw in local news that her husband was an ex-police officer of the city, and that the mayor is already calling for his dismissal.
Also apparently a "bastard" according to this: Bobbi Gibb, Katherine Switzer, Sara Mae Berman, and any woman who ran the race pre 1971.
Isn't this basic car physics? If your rear end is coming around, the acceleration would shift more weight onto the rear, slowing the slide, and the increased pull from the front would drag you straight. Kinda the same way that braking helps you get out of understeer.
in SoCal, this is definitely a 4500+ car - If he took it to any of the specialty shops in the area, so you could talk to a mechanic to get the service history, that'd be a NP at 4900.
Yeah... this was the first lesson I was taught when working on any user-diplayed autogenerated strings - confirmation codes, order numbers, etc. I'm glad to see someone got to learn the hard way.
yeah, even if it's auto-generated, this is why the first rule I was taught about making autogenerated codes is "no vowels". It's REALLY hard to make a word without it, and lets face it H8GYS doesn't really lead to the same reading unless you're trying.
So, I think the struggle is do you shoot for the body, which if he cuts hard (like Gronkowski can do) might not be there or do you go for the leg where he's got to plant anyways, even to make a cut.
Yeah, in fact the value for medallions passed 1M in NYC quite a while ago on the resale market [1]. I really don't know why this is being made into a story. I'm honestly more surprised that they issued more medallions than at the price.
Nope, it is a license to operate a business as a taxi, which is fully transferrable. It's kind of like a liquor license, only there's a hard cap on the number available which makes them super valuable.
Not only that - this is a VERY portable license. It's like having a liquor license you can sell at will. There is a very active resale market for medallions, well, when talking about things that cost 7 figures anyways.
IF you think about it though, the medallion can be seen as an investment. If you buy a medallion at say, 40, and sell it 20 years later, even if you've only paid off half of it, you can then sell it and cash out your 500K IF it hasn't gone up. If you look at the jump in prices just recently, you can figure that even…
If you're ever stuck hunting through menu after menu to change/check an IP address - Windows Key + ip - brings up your network settings dialog so you can view all your adapters individually. Works in 7+
I was going to say, that'd probably make me toss my gatorade. Especially if you'd had a belly full of just liquid from rehydrating.
Neutral: Tired Of Being In The Grey? Do a text annotation reply to this article and explain what an ATS or Escalade Vsport model might be like and I'll try to "follow" you for Jalopnik so you're no longer in the review box.
Why do get comprehensive/collision then, if you drive so little?