
It means he and his buddy did ~6 grams of zoomers, which probably amounts to a standard trip.

The books and movies couldn’t be more different, with the exception of Goldfinger and Casino Royale. However, one thing they do share is a whole lot of misogyny and racism (although, where the movies are concerned, these things are rapidly diminishing...).

The tricky thing is, they also have in common that they’re

Ballograf pens are great. Sturdy, well-weighted, with archive ink.

Ballograf pens are great. Sturdy, well-weighted, with archive ink.

This article contains so much casual pseudo-science that my head is spinning.

Your last paragraph is perfect. Well said!

I mostly agree (especially about the acting), although I still think the story could have been developed better. Just because the premise is zombies – a premise known for loose story mechanics – doesn’t mean we should accept whatever contrived plot get’s thrown at us, i.e. Travis falls into a pool of blood and

If it doesn’t suck, how do you explain the lacklustre writing? For example, if the drug addict claims that people died in the church, wouldn’t the police (and not the stepdad) be the ones to investigate? Or, the extremely hamfisted plot involving the two-faced drug-dealer friend? I mean common.

Of course scientific ideas will continue to be augmented, but some – dare I say most of the most important ideas – are absolutely set in stone. It may sound dogmatic to assert this, but it cannot be denied.

Seems like a stretch to go from a question about his tufts of white hair, to a meaningful response about sexism.

How the hell did Brandon Gibb and his colleagues manage to get any funding for this speculative bullshit?

I only read books because the city I live in (Montreal) has very good used book stores that are cheap enough that I can buy and try.

The real tragedy here is that people choose to read Elite Daily, amiright?

This is definitely gonna be good, but in the same shitty way that all of Snyder’s films have been good.

Sagan is important, and this is one of his best books. Whenever I need to remind myself why it’s important to ask questions, I’ll flip through this book.

Anyone else notice how all of the people featured here are white?

“Diamond & Gold Filtered”?

As far as I know, Lagoa is actually is a cloud-based rendering service whose entire app runs through your browser, so maybe you don’t.....

Agreed. The story is far too sprawling for a movie, even with sequels.