
@Stem_Sell: They are on every corner of the galaxy, it's becoming annoying.

@Batmanuel: And theres a possibility that not all life forms are carbon based. Im sure their are atoms/elements that have a structure similar to the carbon one that can support life and hold energy like carbon can- we just have not found them.

@tmw: Do not think so, since dark matter comprises around 96% of the known universe. Unless they found the other 96% of the universe, we still do not have any other explanation for the "invisible" mass recorded in the universe and the boson that separates magnetism from the weak nuclear force.

@hostile-17: Im glad Gizmodo finally put an article that doesn't make Vegetarians like me feel like shit for caring about animals. Its always a big joke about how we are p**sies because we care, but watch this video and try not to care.

@sudo rm -rf /: "simply because there are a few (or many, according to you) bad apples"

@sudo rm -rf /: I think we are all equal on this planet. We should all be respected as such. Rights? No, but respect is a liberty that should not be removed because one species deems another inferior. Who are we to say that we are the best! We are really amazing at ruining our planet, causing war, destroying entire

@Arken: I thought it was more like running back to the zoo to see if the penguins started swimming yet.

@NorthernRoamer: But is it pointless to Wander? Lets go wandering out in space my friends.... then we'll see how pointless wondering is... and of course, hope will be essential.

@minjChE: I use Wiki for all my scholarly pursuits as well...

@minjChE: Does make sense, but it would take 50 years to get there and atleast 50 years to send one back here... so 100 years from 1960's seems like a more appropriate time... right?

@Arken: Yeah! Take that... Science.

@Stem_Sell: thats the worst kind of invasion

@sudo rm -rf /: But plenty of it does. Not all people murder other people, but it happens. And you cant use that argument to justify it.

@sudo rm -rf /: Tortured does not have to mean literally tortured. Crammed in tight pens and not being able to graze it torture. Pumping them so full of hormones that they cannot standup because their legs are so atrophied is torture. Tying baby cows to small pens and atrophying their muscles to make veal is torture.

@Duffin: Im not one of those vegetarians. Realistically, I know why people eat meat. Its a personal choice.

@triggerx: I have seen videos. I dont know if its common, but if it happens once... that is too much for me. People are horrible to their own dogs and cats... just imagine what they do to animals that are going to die anyways. Ive seen a man walk around with a pipe hitting turkeys in the head and a guy beating pigs