
So your saying that high ice cream sales on my block are NOT causing crime rates to drop?????

It's officers like you I enjoy serving under. From experience in the MC, the ones that want to be there with you make being infantry much more rewarding.

Experiments/studies show that taking a life, regardless, is stressful. You don't have to be 20 ft away pulling a trigger to experience the toll it takes when extinguishing a life, let alone the wrong one.

Not entirely true, the pilots are officers. It's not like an E3 is flying the plane while an LT tells him who to shoot.

I'm not surprised at all. It's just like the DoN to pay an enlisted wage for a job done with officer quality. If it happens though I could imagine enlistment terms being substantially longer for those individuals with this NEC and a top secret clearance.

Same here! I bet there are plenty of 13-25 year olds who have the skills to do this kind of job after years of perfecting them on video games. I play battlefield and there are people who can fly the helicopters and jets like pros...and they are not easy to maneuver.

Your name is awesome! A Pierce Hawthorn quote?? If I have to ask I must be streets behind, right?

That quote makes him sounds insane!

The title says "HTC Android Phones Are Being Banned from the US Next Year"... Even though this has YET to happen. I am becoming more and more skeptical of the Giz article titles.

I agree. Fighting in Iran would be more organized on their side, but I don't see Iran trying to go to war with us (America). Most civilized countries tend not to provoke the US. But not the point I was making. They did NOT shoot it down. I never said they did not have the drone but I did say they have to prove they

I was thinking that...


I love how his MacBook is part of the tools he uses to make coffee. I don't think Nerd is the right word....

Agree. It's weird to tell people to not buy French Presses.

This problem won't respond to tap dancing or casual revelations that you spent time in New York.

How long did that take?

I was thinking the same thing.

I spent a week on Long Island one night.

Nice, but wow, Gizmodo comment sections have become a battleground of "You spelled that wrong" and "Stop being a grammar Nazi."

Sharks do tend to feed at Dusk. Living by the beach, I tend not to go in the water at all during the night because of this, but especially at dusk. I have seen fins in the water more often at dusk.