
Reddit AKA where Gawker gets all its material.

1. Irrational hate is the right of every sports fan and neither you nor Deadspin will ever be able to do anything about it, nor should you.

Sleepaway Camp

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The villain's plot is far more intricate than it seems

The good guy loses.

anyone who's masturbated after doing too much cocaine knows extended contraction of muscles + dehydration is a sure shot to muscle cramps

I see the rape in GoT and think "uhg, what a disgusting violent world" and you see the rape in GoT and think "that sure is sexy and romantic". I'm thinking maybe HBO is not where the problem lies.

Well, if we're talking about realism- Jaime raped Cersei. That has yet to be dealt with in the show, but no one who watches the show would assume Cersei would ever forget- she will do something to get her revenge. How about this- in real life, many refuse to acknowledge that a husband can rape his wife; I'm not

That was a really exhausting way to say nothing.

Blah Blah Blah...Jesus Christ you're a whiny bitch. Shut the fuck up and go make me a sandwich.

"that men in ancient Rome beat and fucked their slaves all the time"

Another one of these?

I have yet to read an article that explains why depicting graphic physical violence/maimings/murder is fine, but depicting sexual violence is not. Especially in the case of GoT, where the sexual violence has always been perpetrated by "villain" characters.

If only Westeros Univeristy had more women's studies courses...

I have to differ: Drogo and Dany's first time was rape in the novels, too. Even if Drogo tried to make it better for her, understanding the situation she's in, the whole matter of being sold into marriage against her wishes and then having sex against her wishes, that's still rape.

"Oh, Game of Thrones. Could it be we've gone a few weeks without a rape? Or should I say, rapes."

There was so much more sexual violence in the books. Particularly during the King's Landing riot and at Harrenhal. I do think seeing the events at Craster's came off really badly in ways they didn't intend after the horrible sept scene. But yeah, to compare the show unfavorably to the books in this regard is

the complainers will criticize and boycott GoT all they want, but it won't change anything because neither the GoT directors, nor HBO "owe" them a TV show produced and written to their tastes. And that's true even for complainers that are or were subscribers.

If your ability to scan and digest information is limited, that's not my problem.

TLDR: Don't like? Don't watch...I like, I watch...if something offends me I turn it off...get the idea?