it's fine when celebrities talk about things beyond their expertise as long as they say stuff that me and my liberal douchebag friends agree with.
it's fine when celebrities talk about things beyond their expertise as long as they say stuff that me and my liberal douchebag friends agree with.
"hands up, don't shoot" is factually inaccurate and those that do the gesture are either showing their ignorance of the facts or their intellectual it is a fairly embarrassing gesture. Almost any other gesture of solidarity would have been fine, but that one is just plain dumb.
Did Ditka run for office as a libertarian or something while I was sleeping? As a guy that believes that government is inefficient at most things, the vast majority of folks that feel the same way as me are pissed about SWAT teams with military hardware. Rand Paul has been thoroughly vocal on this point....Statist.
Regardless of what side of this argument that you're on, you have to accept the fact that Michael Brown's hands were not up when he was shot by Darren Wilson. Anyone that makes mention of "hands up don't shoot" is either ignorant of the facts or ignoring the facts and should thus be ignored. These players using the…
the guy in that video that schilling shared is fun to watch. so what if everything he says is mostly wrong...the way he says it is kinda cool.
he's very often politically incorrect...which makes him a piece of shit that should die.
They're both fucking excellent post the quality of the cheesesteak doesn't get any better, but - considering what your other options are in the middle of the night, they do the fucking job.
"I have solved this political dilemma in a very direct way: I don't vote. On Election Day, I stay home. I firmly believe that if you vote, you have no right to complain. Now, some people like to twist that around. They say, 'If you don't vote, you have no right to complain,' but where's the logic in that? If you …
we should all personally attempt to ensure that he's unable to make a living ever again because he used a bad word to refer to him.
it obviously doesn't work as well as fake moral outrage. kudos.
keep it up our PC Army, the guy who has attempted suicide twice is on the ropes!!! Just a little more pressure and maybe the third time will be a charm. And then how proud will of us social justice loving fuckers be? A dead white male that we can take credit for!!! That will teach anyone and everyone to ever use…
fuck democrats
oh lolskins fans....slightly dumber than their owner since 1999
damned liberal media.
Thank god the government is here to tell us how to negotiate sex properly.
this shit...this is the shit that deserves outrage. We as a society need to better and demand better.
cry about it.
If a guy did those things, it would be fucking wrong and gross. What you described was a gross human being not some hero of women's lib. But it would be effective....i'd gladly give in to whatever demands the feminists had, admit my crimes of misogyny and burn my boxers in protest of the patriarchy if faced with…
As an eagles fan, I love the name controversy and hope that Snyder never gives in....Being able to anger Washington Football Team fans by just not saying their racist nickname is so much fun.