
When that day happens I'm sure the debate will continue. There is an extreme minority, that gets far too much attention, that believe in no climate change. The skepticism is in regards to the influence. We have geological history that shows Earth is constantly changing climates; long before humans could make a

I don't think there are hardly any people who deny that humans are not having some impact on the climate. The question is really will humans raise temperatures 4-10 degrees in 100 years or 1.2 degrees. Since this controversy started catastrophic biased advocates have said that the change will be at least 3.0C. The

Elliot Rodger was not mentally ill? Mmm-kay. Want to discuss psychological prescription drugs and their effects? Or would you rather just blame the almighty evil GUN? Which is funny because this anti-gun rhetoric that you spew only convinces law-abiding people to not carry them, people like the victims of this crime.

Sadly no, it's not an act of complacency or lack of motivation. It's history. Learn it correctly and maybe you will learn how to break it's cycle. Fail to heed it and well - enjoy the consequences.

Wait, so the earth, which has changed constantly long before humans got here, will magically stop changing, and even go in reverse, once we stop driving SUVs? Whether you accept global warming/climate change/global weirding/whatever it is this week or not, that is a dumb prediction. Even if we were to shift the entire

Who are we to say that the "19th century ice caps" are the "correct" condition of our poles?

Yeah. Solar sails. WTF? Don't these people have any high density power sources? They can build giant floating spaceships but apparently fusion plant remains forever beyond them

Fuck this and Fuck NDT.

I know I'm a cynic - but I just can't believe this Utopian ideal. I didn't believe it in college and I don't believe it now. Technological advancement moves not because of peace and harmony, and peaceful competition can only push humanity so far.


ahh.. A conservative viewpoint and Deadspin shits all over it. Shocker.