
Who the hell enjoys random factors?!
Nobody, that’s who!

Oh please, please go fuck yourself. Some of us have better things to do than to walk around AIMLESSLY in the hopes of finding a pokemon. If the tracker actually worked, maybe no one would care. But the fact that we have no idea where a pokemon is in a given area with the in game tools, why make it impossible to use

I know, its not like the Pokemon games had anything to hel you see where pokemon were in the grass....oh wait... It did...

I sure do enjoy seeing my first *insert Pokémon* appear on the nearby list and walking around aimlessly to no avail only to have him vanish after the fifteen minute counter. if that’s fun, then I’ll have no part of it.

Heaven forbid that some people actually don’t want to grind through a thousand random Pokémon and actually go for a team they’re interested in because they don’t live in a big city spammed with lures and Pokéstops.

Except the “randomness” was not by design. The “randomness” is the result of a glitch that Niantic doesn’t seem keen on acknowledging or resolving.

Some of us don’t live in an area were anything more then a pidgy or a rat will spawn. I have to make a 15 min trip, by car, to get to a area were anything good COULD spawn. I like the randomness of it, but nothing spawns in my area. I don’t want to waste gas on a trip to hunt if nothing is spawning but birds and rats.

Omg dude get off your dumb high horse. I have a full time job a family I don't have time to go walk my neighbor hood every single day. Not to mention I live in a country area. When we go to the park it was nice for me to finally have a direction to go instead of just looking for random things to do. It wasn't cheating

Randomness factor? Cheat? Uh ok, first, that is not cheating, regardless of what “Jank” says. The game is not very well designed and since launch has regressed quite a bit. Using a service that actually provides functionality that is pretty key to the base experience is great, and if anything should be a wake up call

I don’t understand this at all. The beauty of the game is that it gets people up and out, mostly kids. If you live in a high density urban area, then maybe wandering around aimlessly looking for Pokemon is enticing, but if you live in a suburban area (or rural), it is not.

Defending the removal of third party trackers is one thing, but you’re actually going to tell me that the removal of a feature that was initially supposed to be in the game was “just as planned”?

Except that the in-game tracker was NOT cheating and was a big and important part of the game. With that disabled, you need SOMETHING to track nearby Pokémon.

I live in a rural area. Finding any Pokémon to begin with is a chore.

Pokevision made the game fun. I could actually track and hunt down desirable mon instead of waiting through a sea of pidgeys.

So no in-game tracking OR tracking websites. What the flying fuck?