
Fun video, but I’m not sure genetics, access to good healthcare, exercise, community envolvement and a healthy diet really qualifies as a lifehack. It’s more like, “hey, remember those things your doctor, every health blog, and your 7th through 12th grade health classes kept drilling into you? Yup, turns out they’re

Anyone who says they wouldn’t watch this video if it came out is a damn liar.

Netflix’s top shows are the top shows for the same reason that TBS was surviving for DECADES with reruns of Friends, Seinfeld, Family Guy, and others. People want to watch these shows, especially to kill time. Now they can do it whenever they want, instead of when TBS wants them to.

So Netflix should slow everything down and dole out shows 1 episode at a time to make your job easier?  Ok Grandpa, sure thing.  And we’ll make sure these newfangled horseless carriages never go faster than walking speed so your job shoveling horseshit is protected forever!  

Does Netflix’s interface suck ass? Fuck yes it does. Is there a ton of garbage on it’s servers? Yep. Do I get option fatigue from scrolling through the plethora of shows and movies, resulting in sometimes a whole night of trying to decide what to waste my time on? I sure do.

Can you imagine getting paid to whine about how it’s harder to write about watching TV for a living than it used to be? What a brave new world that has such creatures in it.

You know, I was finding the premise of this article really compelling and found myself nodding my head about how Netflix churns out copycat shows until I got to this:

Hmmm.... wasn’t the monoculture issue more about the big 4 all mimicking each other and foisting that on the public all at once? I’m not going to attempt to defend Netflix here but they seem to have a very broad variety of original content. I do have to look a little harder to find shows that aren’t broadly similar to

I pretty much don’t watch anything on Netflix. I was excited when we first got it, but I barely look at it now. I’ve watched two series - Kimmy Schmidt and Aggretsuko, and I haven’t even watched the last season of Kimmy because a.) I forgot it was coming out and b.) I haven’t bothered.

I’ve read this twice and I’m still not entirely sure what the point of this rant is. That people prefer comfort food over new stuff? Well, sure. That’s been the case since TV began. (And I’ll always have a Law & Order on when I’m doing chores.) Netflix wants people to stay home and watch Netflix? Well, duh. It’s hard

Somebody give this kid a beer and a bulk pack of D-cell batteries, he’s ready.

The kid just signed an exclusive deal with FS1's “All Takes Matter” and is already schooling Whitlock in debates.

Hold on...this is a blog post about a Canadian apologizing?