
I wonder if the automatic HD space management will still be an option. I know it's weird, but I actually liked the idea of not having to think about how much space I have before installing a new game.

Just the other day I was trying to explain Snow Crash to a buddy and I felt like an idiot. "No, really, it's pretty highbrow stuff!"

Also Cocaine and Poison Ivy. All natural.

I've been thinking about ordering a Pebble, but the barrier I keep hitting is that I just can't see myself using it enough to make it worth the money. It doesn't seem bulky, ugly, or obtrusive though, which seem to be the major hurdle for wearable tech. It's just the utility that I'm having trouble seeing.

If you take a look at the linked video of the hand-wavy proof that 1+1-1+1-... = .5, he states that the series may also equal 1 or 0. That means that 'S' could just as easily equal -1/6 (assuming S1 = 1, meaning S2 = 1/2), or 0 (assuming S1 = 0 = S2). So, I agree, it's based on the somewhat arbitrary premise that S1 =

Things get counter-intuitive when infinity is involved since it is not intuitive itself.

Part of the fun of the videos is that it's possible that nothing might happen.

Gutsy move, adding Ryse to the list. It gets a lot of hate for its lack of depth, but it is definitely worth a rental, like you said. Each stage offers a change in scenery and it makes you feel like you're participating in a dumb, but pretty popcorn blockbuster.

Yeah, it was definitely a mistake for Nintendo to stick with the PowerPC architecture. It's much more simple now to port between XB1/PS4/PC, making the Wii U is the odd man out in the new generation, especially as we move away from the 360 and PS3.

Blows my mind that 12-year-olds who played CoD4 at launch could be legal adults by now

If you have to ask, it's probably too expensive

I noticed that smoke can be blown away now. Does that mean that smoke bombs will have a shorter duration, or will we just see guards coughing outside of the smoke cloud?

He sorta glosses over important parts of the explanation and I can't follow. I feel like I'm skipping around in the video

That's exactly what I'm afraid of. The info I could gather seemed to imply that more single player missions would come after Freedom Cry though:

I can't decide if I should just get this, or the season pass. Are there more DLC missions incoming beyond this that would make the season pass worthwhile?

More territories, but a week later than PS4 in NA, so it's tough to compare them directly.

This is a pretty biased sample. I think the PS4 is just more popular among gaming website commentors. It doesn't really say anything about how popular they are

A 2006 MacBook Pro wouldn't have the barrel-shaped plug. I think those came out in 2009, but I could be mistaken.