
It is a bit overused, I agree. Just like antibiotics. It's the easy answer and it makes docs feel more confident in diagnoses. Plus it hands some responsibility off to radiology. It would be really nice if we could have faster MRIs, but that seems a long ways off

I would imagine that contrast is still necessary to see vessels in the images shown, and it would be vital in a case such as yours where contrast enables your doctor to see the extent of your dissection. This tech would allow imaging of the aorta to be more precise since it is constantly moving with each pulse, so it

Usually if your doctor wants you to get a CT, there's something that's more threatening to your health than a small dose of radiation. Risk vs Benefit and all that.

This is so important in medicine. Now we can get hi-res scans of people even if they have metal implants that contraindicate MRI (patients w/ artificial hips, pacemaker, etc.)

If only they would try to make a great Alien game instead of another Aliens game.

The skin makes me think of Prometheus

To be fair, I don't know of a better way to end such an epic saga. Happily ever after would have felt unbefitting.

Fallout IV

I would assume that Kotaku acquired some sort of proof from the tipster that they did not divulge. Regardless of whether the docs are real, I don't think it's even a question of whether Fallout 4 is in development. The franchise is a cash cow; they'd be fools not to make another.

I think Watch_Dogs is set in Chicago, so there's that. Also, Red Dead Redemption takes place in "Texas" & Mexico. Not many else spring to mind with unusual American settings though.

Maybe October/November of next year since they tend to release around that time. New Vegas was announced in February of 2010 and managed to release in Fall of that same year, so it's possible.

Haha. It's actually terrible. 256 MB of RAM and it crashes when I try to browse this site.

Coming from an iPad 1 owner, that's not an iPad 1. It has rounded edges.

Omni ($499) + Oculus ($300) + Kinect ($90) + Gun Controller ($50?) + PC capable of playing games on Rift ($750+) = $1700. The PC is the killer because a low-end gaming PC won't be able to run games to Rift specs, but a lot of people tend to forget this cost for your average consumer.

They weren't crushing the idea, just its sales and marketing strategies (or lack thereof). It's not about whether it's a good idea, in fact most things presented on the show are fairly ingenious. It's about whether or not the idea will make enough money for a return on the investment. The Omni is a great idea, but

He didn't even mention having to buy the Kinect sensor and a decent gaming PC to power the Rift. To get the experience that the demonstrator had from scratch would be in the ballpark of $1750 depending on how much is spent on the PC. Combined with the likely impossibility of trying one out for yourself before buying

Yeah, I guess Bungie hasn't had a title available on Playstation since Oni on the PS2, so it's been a longer while.

I guess MGS V is a better parallel then?

It's basically the mirror image of Playstation fans being upset that Insomniac Games is making an Xbox One exclusive. It's like everything is being flipped upside down for this gen.

Did the video "have to be released", or is he just trying to showcase UI navigation? I think it's more of a promotion than damage control.