
I trust my girlfriend and she trusts me. We both share our locations with each other to save on the texts “What time do you think you will be home?” or “Are you still at work?”

My understanding of how the challenge tiers work is that they’re separated by win rate, so the levels that have a high failure rate are the ones that players can get in the Expert roulette. Unfortunately, the Expert rule up to this point was probably something like “everything with a 10% or less win rate”, which by

Hey thats pretty cool the big guys spoke up about it. Dont see that often anymore (looking at you right now Valve).

The flannel is in the closet.

I don’t normally grammar nitpick, but this is anti-intellectualism in beer form. I don’t like IPAs either, so I drink lagers and double blacks and saisons from craft brewers. I also drink Bud Lights occasionally, and even still get fucked up bro every once in a while.

The point is Inbev is

I think that their bad first impression was part of it, but I also see Sony smartly finally capturing the nostalgia that people had for the early PlayStation stuff and struggle to see how Microsoft can do the same. What’s Microsoft’s equivalent of an FFVII remake? If it was The Master Chief Collection, then that ship

Couldn’t agree with you more. This had one of the Worst Launches Of All Time... It should have died, but look at it now. Microsoft actually went with the strategies of being consumer friendly, AND one-upping the competition, after Sony gained so much ground doing the exact same thing, but now’s starting to look like

While I sharply disagree with this approach:

It’s basically the same function as long press. On Android having one manufacturer add something like this is just confusing. Apps have to be written for it as well which further confuses the issue on Android. Just stick with long press. In like 99% of situations it accomplishes the same thing even though technically

I find it interesting how many were iphones. It is like a love hate relationship with Apple. I wonder how many sales wind up as purposefully destroyed phones. I also think this is a blatant waste of resources and a key issue with our current culture.

Android guys, Say what you want about Apple but your emojis are absolute dog shit.

I think when Steve Jobs was talking about a stylus, he was probably talking about a stylus as a primary interface device. Not as an artistic tool, which is what this is clearly designed for.

it’s good to go on windows. according to their site.

There should be an Xbox One tier. What if I want this game to happen but not on this platform?

Why announce a Kickstarter campaign at E3? Am I the only one who thinks that’s some BS?

Sony trying to get free press from it as they can’t be arsed to fund it themselves and expect the fans to.

NOT EXCLUSIVE, only first on PS4, will come to PC and Xbox One

Coming “first” to Playstation 4: this is how you both win and lose E3 at the same time

For me, it’ll always be this OP’d sumbitch.

I wish modern joypads all had JOYPAD written on the front. The number of times I’ve been playing my video games only to realise I’m holding something, and I’ll look down and think to myself “what is this thing?”