Nick Slaughter

But we tend to look at past works with a certain amount of context. Sometimes we even have to look back at things we enjoyed and come to terms that maybe we weren’t much better than the artist that created the thing we now find objectionable. Sometimes you find something like Song of the South that just isn’t

This. This kind of comedy is for audience that have not matured, neither in their own lives or in step with modern sensibilities. Their cultural pallets are trapped in amber. Imagine meeting your girlfriend’s parents and finding out they’re big fans of minstrel shows.

But, the difference is, Eddie Murphy has already gotten out in front of that. He’s reflected. He has come out and said that his past jokes along those lines make him cringe, and that they were coming from a place of callow youth and a particular bad spot that he was going through, personally, at the time.

Ben can be as dumb as a bunch of rocks ( yes despite his medical degree) but lets not pretend “ that never happens”.

Now playing

He was defending Michael Jackson and R Kelly back on Chappelle’s Show and nobody took it seriously then, and they shouldn’t take it seriously now. It’s a joke. Dave Chappelle doesn’t really think kids should be happy to be molested and if you honestly think he does then I don’t even know what to say. I’m not saying

Huge dudes with shaved heads, arms folded, never smiling.”

I’m going to focus on one part of the story: the current mindset that it’s not rude at all to just whip out a smartphone whenever you feel like it.

Now bear is driving car?? How can that be?!?!?

I’m seeing double! A four-bladed lightsaber!

Trump also wants A$AP Rocky to tank him for Obama’s low Black unemployment figures.

I can't believe I watched all of that. 1999 was the absolute nadir of MTV. That video erased any nostalgia I might have had for that era.

The point is: There is a lot more nuance to what other countries do to achieve “free” healthcare and “free” college. 

Too much time given to Sanders and Warren. They’re living in fantasy land. Williamson at least acknowledges that she is loon.

Can’t we agree there were good people on both sides?

What happened to him? Libertarianism. Selfishness, shortsightedness, and anti-community thinking touted as a wise philosophy turns the brain to mush to the point that reality has to bend to their wills for it to make any sense

“Ariana Grande’s Manchester Benefit Concert Raised $13 Million for Victims of the Attack”

“What the hell happened to this man?”

The odds that he’s bellowed, “Without ‘Dilbert,’ there is no ‘Office Space’!” on more than one occasion are extremely high.

Love it or hate it, pretty much in line with the source material. Remember when the closing panels of one chapter featured two riders approaching as the wind began to howl followed by Moore quoting All Along the Watchtower?

The howls are not what they seem.