Nick Slaughter

I laughed when they went the extra mile to make an opening jingle for Pat.

jokes are offensive to people who are physically or psychologically incapable of laughing

you still cracked up during the Focus Group scene though, right? How can you not when he first foists a (bikini line shaved) cock and balls in the viewers' faces, which then freezes and shouts "Bruno!" from its (lip sync animated) urethra hole?

he would have been the perfect Black Bauer for the new 24 this year, given what the show did for Kiefer's career

Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate the law uphill.

i bet you "chose" all those things too, huh, Renton?

donuts on the beach?

it's like internet porn, after you've nutted to the same old shit, you start to have to get freakier with your searches just to feel anything down there and before you know it, you're wanking it to the internet porn equivalent of throwing an old widow onto the street while dropping lead into Flint's drinking water.

i don't want to fight to the death, so can you just call it something else besides "pizza"?

maybe after five years of prison food

along with those who insist we give total know-nothings a chance to learn how to do big important presidenty things and forgive any screwups along the way during this crucial learning period

ever feel like that's what's going on, only we're not the ones giving the input now?

okay but CBS is still Countless Bad Shows, right? And this is decades after "Doctor, Doctor" was cancelled.

Needs Bill Cosby

the SNL skit of it was better though (where Stone investigates H. Dubya puking on the Japanese PM)

are any of his movies really taht great? Okay I chuckled through "W" but the only thing I can think of when I hear "Natural Born Killers" is the part where he projects the words "too much TV" on Woody Harrelson, to give a didactic message about how the media handles violence.

yeah I miss when AV Club gave room for conservative opinions on here before November, which they totally did all the time cause conservatives can also make great art and entertainment!

This review just described Glenn Greenwald as well. Though in his case, I feel like it'd be such a hit to his ego to admit being wrong about anything that it motivates him to be sympathetic to Putin.

Once, because each time you drink one you exponentially increase the risk of brain coma

and this is why I stick with sodium naproxen, aka Aleve, for my headaches now.