Nick Slaughter

Review did it first

these info wars can spend my ass pennies for all i care

i hate the old "/s" cause i think it should be obvious when i'm being sarcastic, but this generation of broken-ass kids who were socialized more online than off is proof enough for me that it'd be prudent to start doing those

okay so i agree with Olberman on a few things but his profile picture of himself wrapped in a U.S. flag is still too much

i've noticed it in kids and blame their parents. there's definitely a strong correlation with regards to how that behavior gets passed along.

in a just world, all of those parents would have the option of testifying about the damage of Jones' actions at his hearing.

i've long suspected Jones is really J.T. Walsh after faking his death to out-Kaufman the man on the moon himself

i first learned that word from The Raconteur's "Intimate Secretary", which includes many other fitting words for this administration

don't forget the couple in Las Vegas who killed a cop because begun, had their info wars

see these are the humanizing Alex Jones stories that the MSJM (Mainstream Joo-know-who Media) doesn't want you to hear! anyway who wants to stand up for our first amendment right to throw seig-heils in public in Berkeley? rumbleeee!!!

hmm, sounds like YOU WERE LOADED, OKAY?

I think I heard of you, did you grow up near Sexcriminalboat, GA?

i'm actually proud of Beck for mixing up Netflix comedians, rather than mixing up black comedians. Progress?

always with the smooth talk

"Mercifully incompetent" as i believe WaPo put it

that's because the Kris Kross you're familiar with is called "Black Sheep" o'er here

With reverse vampires?

you know, if you install that browser extension that only makes his tweets display in Comic Sans, you stop caring or even noticing the typos and grammar butchery.

well it'd be nice of wikileaks and assange got taken down a few pegs

i'm hoping she'll be distracted by the windfall of money taken away from poor people that she'll just take a lot of vacations and not get anything done.