Nick Slaughter

and she may or may not have been involved in a high-profile gorilla murder this past summer…

it'd be cooler if they murdered the jury and replaced them with the "mirror jury", like in the movie "Millenium"

If we run millions of these bots on election day, it can keep some Trumpkins at home glued to their screens, planning to vote after just one more burn.

I hope he reboots The Three Stooges… but with zombies! waaaaaaaahhh!!

…by which you mean, they're great for autoerotic asphyxiation but nobody would ever wear one in public.

HBO GO had (haven't checked if they still do) Miller's show from 1995-6 and it's such a time capsule to watch. Amazing what "outraged" us back then.

she looks like Mr. Robot's blonde friend

after watching the trailer for I can attest that it is legally a television show

obviously Lethal Weapon

'Mest' sounds like one of the fake bands in the SNL Gathering of the Juggalos spoof video ("Super Duper Fest or something like that, the ones where "Ass" Dan keeps dying)

Only if you're wearing a Summit Ice jacket.

That's very nice.

it's not depressing for the artist, fwiw

BREAKING: Donald Replaced With Empty Chair as GOP nominee.

funny, I just performed a Greek Superman last night!

guarantee they're talking about dicks, pot, and guns

i do sometimes miss the cast from that era, but i can go without any more of those skits (or the Lawrence Welk ones where Kristen Wiig has the small hands)

all wrong, the correct question was "Who is Fatty Arbuckle?"

maybe stop after giving us an SNL movie based on the dancing tracksuit afro dude he played on "What Up With That?"?

24: Generations