Nick Slaughter

maybe he's Jerry Steinfield

What's the release date? I need to set a reminder not to bother checking Facebook that day.

yeah it changes you, in that you can actually affect some sort of change instead of just sitting on the sidelines ranting about what should be done. and in return, you can change the direction it takes. as is sorta happening now, but not enough Sanders voters are thinking ahead about congressional races or midterm

if you wanna change the establishment, you need to take it over

along with Kimmie's shocked face

i prefer "Funny Farts Juice". just going by whey protein farts and reports of vegan farts, i imagine soylent farts to be downright abominable

or blow it in a big dumb gamble, whichever's funnier

she does look like her vampire makeup in From Dusk Till Dawn though.

good intentions stand no chance against the bad pussy

he shoots them too!

"We killed Bebop the pig man and ate a *lot* of pizza!"

I stopped after the first paragraph so as not to spoil anything. I may read the second paragraph later but I'm definitely in.

they shoulda quit when they were ahead, aka the Taylor Hicks year

It should also be noted that "All Star" was performed at the end of Rat Race, you could say at the finish line. I still remember shitting my pants with laughter when Seth Green and co. find themselves on stage with Steve Harwell.

they make the shirts readable in Braille because PC CULTURE

If my memories of the 80s are as intact as I think they are, Mad Magazine did the bulk of the rib cage kicking before Stiller got to him. Poor Yakov.

i can work with that

nice, 2001 myself. Joe Biden rules!

oh shit, Blue Hen?

i first heard it used about 14 years ago when i was still in Delaware, didn't realize how local it was. I was bagging up at first but now I think it's hella lame.