Just in case you haven’t seen this...
Just in case you haven’t seen this...
Not sure how you equate a person’s indifference towards the treatment of death row inmates to the actions of an actual dictator. You’re crying about people in prison who were sentenced to death by our collectively established legal system. Maybe step back and think of the victims and the families of the victims that…
You sound like an insufferable asshole.
Russia? Or are we not considering them developed?
What could you possibly mean by that? Berlin is one of the world’s most international, multi-lingual, progressive cities. You elected this moron. You. Not us.
Have you ever seen Bannon and Red Skull in the same place? Me neither.
Or wrapping Philip Seymour Hoffman’s corpse in a KKK robe and leaving it to bloat in a lake for 6 months.
I pretty much agree with what HamNo wants, but continue to disagree with his pitch of how to achieve it. Trying to make a moral argument, as we just saw in November, does not work!
We don’t say “Bah-sten”.
Trump is Javert.
Exactly. I have never understood why people equate sports ability with cognitive ability. Sure, it happens, but to think that Tom Brady has any cogent opinion on something like renewable energy policy or nuclear proliferation or funding water quality surveying in the Power River basin is just nuts. He plays football,…
Just wrote this in a separate comment, but: I say this as a massive lifelong Patriots fan and also a bleeding heart libtard: I genuinely think Tommy is too dumb (and sheltered) to pay attention to politics. When he had the MAGA hat in his locker nobody really believed Trump had a chance and I think it was just a…
Yes but you can’t meet any rich, single stockbrokers up there. These girls want to meet the insanely rich stockbrokers (that are also hopefully single) so that’s why they’re on Wall Street. They don’t care what the rent is becuase their new boyfriends will pay it for them.
I wish we really would discover aliens so I could have something new to freak out about.
You know who scares the shit out of me? The wild gesticulators. Like, how fucking stupid do you have to be to suddenly thrust your arm into the air while telling your stupid story on a crowded train platform? I swear, more than people who suddenly stop walking in pedestrian traffic, more than the four-across “Melrose…
I won’t rest until they tell us what happened to the fucking Russian.
There is one really great message in this, and that is that she's not his, he doesn't own her, and she makes her own decisions. The rest is pretty bad, especially the last four sentences. I'm experiencing extreme joy imagining how the great Christopher Hitchens would have responded. I almost went a full day without my…
Maybe for you. I played all of Battlefront and Battlefront 2 without ever playing Multiplayer.